Price of gas..

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Originally Posted By: GreeCguy
Oil has always been seen as a big money business. Check out for example "There will be blood" (Roughly based on Upton Sinclair's book "Oil," written I believe in 1922). Like wise "Giant," (the character of "Jet Rink" is also based on a person whose name escapes me right now). The Beverly Hillbillies would have never left the Ozark had they not found "a bubblin' crude."

What no one takes into account with all these riches are the risks the company takes in countless "dry holes" and "dusters." Not to mention the potential for disaster that range from incompetent workers to gross negligence.

What I find odd in this kind of complaint is that no one complains when they themselves make a profit, even a huge or handsome profit. People always complain about "the other guy," (usually big business). What's wrong with them making money? Isn't that what they're in business to do? Isn't that the reason way back when these people started digging holes in the ground in the hopes of finding oil? Not to advance civilization to a new and higher level of existence, but to line their pockets and live better themselves. It's what motivated the wildcatter to risk it all and then some looking for the big strike. We all reap the benefits. Quite frankly, I heartily agree with Ayn Rand who back in the '70's said we should buy their product, thank them for the work they do, and stop complaining.

True very well said. The complainers are usually mouth breathers who don't understand anything but handouts.
Originally Posted By: Doog

True very well said. The complainers are usually mouth breathers who don't understand anything but handouts.

Being as you don't know me and know little about me, I'll let this comment pass, this time.
"Gasoline producers are scam artists." that is true. but what about the government that takes so much when you buy gas. but give us such bad streets?
Originally Posted By: jcwit
Big reason told to us here in the Midwest is that the refinery in Whiting Indiana is only running at 1/3 capacity, why? I have no idea.

Exactly, Slow down production equals less fuel, equals higher price for "limited supply", and the beat goes on...
Down here in Central Tx, I'm paying about $3.30/ga. The closer I get to Houston, the cheaper gas is.

It's too easy to blame the oil companies. I think it has more to do with the present administration, economy & nervous commodity brokers. Not to mention the great tensions in the mid-East.

Too much nervousness, anxiety, insecurity, fear, apprehension and uncertainty.

"The price of energy will necessarily have to increase..."
Originally Posted By: jcwit
So just because the government gets their "fair" share it make it AOK for the oil companies to make outlandish and record profits year after year.

Ya, I see that logic?

Glad to see some here like spending more of their disposable income for fuel.

Apple Computer had profit margin of more than 20% the last 5 years, as high as 30% in 2011

Exxon-Mobil had on average about 8% profit margin in the same period.

It's okay for Apple Computer to have as high as 30% profit margin in a quarter but Exxon-Mobil should not make more than 3-4% profit.
^yes b/c people who buy Apple products are ____ (you fill in the blank)

Fuel is a necessary commodity. iphones are not.

Free market is fine and I'm okay with the above, but there shouldn't be tax breaks for oil companies. They don't need any help and aren't doing the public any favors.
Originally Posted By: morris
"Gasoline producers are scam artists." that is true. but what about the government that takes so much when you buy gas. but give us such bad streets?

That's always been a sore spot with me. I pay $0.60 tax for every gallon I buy and
yet the streets are in desperate need of repair and have been that way for years.
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Originally Posted By: morris
"Gasoline producers are scam artists." that is true. but what about the government that takes so much when you buy gas. but give us such bad streets?

That's always been a sore spot with me. I pay $0.60 tax for every gallon I buy and
yet the streets are in desperate need of repair and have been that way for years.

And you pay for it with after tax money.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Originally Posted By: jcwit
So just because the government gets their "fair" share it make it AOK for the oil companies to make outlandish and record profits year after year.

Ya, I see that logic?

Glad to see some here like spending more of their disposable income for fuel.

Apple Computer had profit margin of more than 20% the last 5 years, as high as 30% in 2011

Exxon-Mobil had on average about 8% profit margin in the same period.

It's okay for Apple Computer to have as high as 30% profit margin in a quarter but Exxon-Mobil should not make more than 3-4% profit.
But Apple is such a TRENDY company, it's ALL RIGHT for them to profiteer. Fuel companies, the leftys love to hate, but they want their GAS available at any time.
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I was in Cali this weekend (suburbs of LALA land). Their gas prices are lower than ours here in the burbs of Chicago. Oh the horror...
Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Originally Posted By: jcwit
So just because the government gets their "fair" share it make it AOK for the oil companies to make outlandish and record profits year after year.

Ya, I see that logic?

Glad to see some here like spending more of their disposable income for fuel.

Apple Computer had profit margin of more than 20% the last 5 years, as high as 30% in 2011

Exxon-Mobil had on average about 8% profit margin in the same period.

It's okay for Apple Computer to have as high as 30% profit margin in a quarter but Exxon-Mobil should not make more than 3-4% profit.
But Apple is such a TRENDY company, it's ALL RIGHT for them to profiteer. Fuel companies, the leftys love to hate, but they want their GAS available at any time.

I have heard the argument that Apple IS a necessity, and if I say anything about it that I am a HATER. (Of Apple, success, important people, prestige, etc.)

I also heard this argument made by a Masshole. Lives in Boston area! (sorry HerrStig, we both know its not you) - also LeaksSeals, etc
Generally $3.89 to 3.99 here in Cleveland... Yet go 15 minutes out of the city and we got it for $3.65... Go figure.
Price of oil at an 18 month high. Went up yesterday in response to Washington's meddling in Syria's civil war.
We're now sending arms to Al Queda. This has got to be the only country in the world dumb enough to give arms and passports to our enemies.
Yeah, the US is that dumb, after all the think Israel is actually an ally and we gave them nukes.. LOL

Those snakes are no more trustworthy than Syria, Iraq,ect.

Plus we had over nearly 30 BILLION a YEAR in weaponry alone.

We are suckers.
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