Cheapest Gas in Area at Highest Price

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And California has just been named as having the worse roads in the country at the same time as having the highest gas taxes.
Someone has to pay for that choo choo train to nowhere.
What gets me is voters had the chance to repeal the latest gas tax increase (November 2018 vote) and rejected it because they were promised that half the increase would go to roads. Suckers.
$3.39 here for E10.

In New England, we are worried more about heating oil costs

#2 Red HHO is currently at $4.399 This is going to have a lot of middle class family struggling - for real.

That's 17-25 dollars a day to heat a house across Winter.

Guess no more DD or Starbucks and no PPV t.v. to make up the diff.

Oh! That was easy.
Two days ago I paid $2.95 at Sams Club but it did go up a day later to $3.08
Screen Shot 2022-10-05 at 1.33.59 PM.png
Most stations are $4.99 here.

I filled up the Grand Cherokee last week at $4.59, was $107. Driving the Hyundai now, about 50% better fuel economy.

I'm impressed it isn't more in San Francisco.
Regular Unleaded $3.29 here in STL.
And across the river, amazingly enough I filled up for $3.13 today.

I can't quite figure things out, though. That was at my work way out in the middle of nowhwere.

A few miles north of here(Glenn Carbon/Edwardsville), Sam's Club is $3.19 and the stations around there are in the low $3.20 range...

Meanwhile the Casey's, Circle K, and a few others within ~2 miles of my house...$4.29. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Those same stations have been $3.99 for the past week or so.
Time to move out of California? If not, then when? Cheapest went up 27 cents a gallon seemingly at Midnight. I filled up at $3.03 a gallon just in time. This is now $3.29 and I expect area stations to maintain that baseline and be higher (stations will always be higher or lower but always at a fixed amount over what they were, this is how you select what gas station to use in your area. Price vs. distance trade-off. One will always be higher than the other one and vice versa.)

Not sure what is happening but see two gallons of gas for one of what @Shel_B is paying.

One more thing as to refineries, I can tell you I don't understand this whole thing as gas prices here went DOWN after the hurricane.. so maybe if the refinery is not in Florida that would make some sense, however the price does seem to be rising.


Just hit $3.99/gal. in N.Ohio. It's all part of the plan to get people running and buy that EV.
Want to quickly add here that if your referencing that particular line of thought, then supposedly the cost of electricity will also rise because "they" don't want you to drive at all. Not commenting on that except to point that out.

Though, if demand for electricity rises.. hmm.
OPEC and Russia to cut production by 2M barrels per day, or 2%, to raise prices. And you wonder why EVs are popular...
Just checked with the energy information admin, U.S. are now EXPORTING more oil then ever, recently up to over 4M bbl/day, where these exports were about 40K bbl/day 10 years ago.

Crude imports are at 5.8Mbbl/day

I haven't seen a shortage over here. Whats the dillio ?!

Games are being played and if you follow the money you see big oil making TWICE the profits year over year. 2x.
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