Pray for the families of the Nashville school shootings.

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Dec 6, 2019
What can be done? I’m sick thinking about my little granddaughters in school. Schools may have to be turned into prison-like fortresses to keep the crazies out. That’s not a healthy environment but what really are the options.
What can be done? I’m sick thinking about my little granddaughters in school. Schools may have to be turned into prison-like fortresses to keep the crazies out. That’s not a healthy environment but what really are the options.
I posted last month about the trauma I experienced regarding the Michigan State University killings. It's a deep rooted problem that knee-jerk (band-aid) solutions won't solve. I, too, don't know what the answer is. It will take a number of combined approaches to attempt to manage the problems. And yes, mental health is a piece of the puzzle.

Heavy sigh. Our entire country is so split over issues that it seems hopeless. Maybe we are just showing the same symptoms other declining civilizations experienced over many millennia. We already accept the individual murders that occurs daily around our country. We are close to accepting these "mass killing" type events as well. Until people can somehow relax their guard and compromise somewhere in the middle, I have little hope.

Negative Nancy here, signing off.
It's a terrible tragedy. I don't know the answer, but it's not prayer. It's action of some sort. I don't believe it's the weapon that is the concern, it's who has it. Nothing can eliminate the problem but there must be a better way to minimize it. Problem is, both sides will turn it into a culture war like they always do and nothing will get done. The next few days will be filled with opposing viewpoints, calls to action that go unanswered, and push back that no action is needed. A few bad ideas will get floated around and then it will fade into distant memory until next time. Sad cycle we are in.
Prayers and other empty platitudes don't work and if we want change that means WE will have to DO something and stop expecting the big bearded man in the sky/Sky Daddy to intervene. Hint - If He existed and wanted to intervene - He would've.
Another thought on this. I know that a number of studies have been done on violent criminals like serial killers to try to find common denominators amongst them. I wonder if the school shootings phenomenon has been studied in that manner and if so, what the findings were. Studying the data and using that to craft solutions seems much more effective than the current methods of basically just arguing then doing nothing.
The only answer to this issue is for school districts to take on the crippling cost of turning their schools into high security facilities. Banning guns will only leave guns in the hands of outlaws and leave law-abiding citizens defenseless, which will never happen. Mental illness studies do no good because some of the perpetrators have no history of mental issues, other than hindsight from people who know them and are interviewed after a bunch of people die. No simple answers here, but big, obvious deterrents could be the solution... An example would be highly skilled security officers patrolling the hallways of our schools, ready to blow the head off anybody who comes in there with a gun, combined with metal detectors at every entrance. Man, I'm glad I don't have kids. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who do, especially the parents that have lost a child to this senselessness.
Abortion is the #1 killer by a country mile.
Yes, we are a violent country, a death culture.
What makes so many think that *we* can solve it; by pulling up our bootstraps?
Because trying something, even if it ultimately has a low probability of being effective, still has a higher chance of success than throwing our hands in the air and saying oh well? Also, while measure may never stop every murder, everyone it stops makes it worthwhile.
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99.9999999999% of schools are un-armed. They have NO armed guards on duty. If I wanted to do the most damage with very little to NO resistance, a school would be my choice. Until we as a nation get serious about school protection, this will continue. Why wouldn't it? There is NOTHING to STOP the bad guy / guys wanting to do horrible damage.
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