Road rage at school today

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Oct 6, 2020
Rant incoming:

I'm driving on the road today, right before I turn into the school parking lot, I coasted down to about 20mph, before lightly braking. Nobody was behind me, so no worries there.

I am going less than 15mph, just cruising, foot on brake in the parking lot, when someone pulls right in front of me from another set of parking spaces and turns left. I was going straight. I slam on my brakes, assuming he didn't see me. He pulls up beside me, and starts yelling at me to "slow down." I got pretty upset and filliped him off ( I shouldn't have done this). He start rolling down his window, so I have to turn, because he obviously pulled in front of me, and I leave to my parking spot as I would like to avoid escalation and not get shot.

I walk inside, and he is inside of the school, inside of the doors for the secretary area, where I have to sign in. He starts yelling at me for "speeding" and flipping him off. In the meantime, the front ladies call the resource officer over. This guy is obviously crazy, and to think what would have happened if he had a weapon.

People really need to chill out when driving. I would like to safely make it to my destination, and without being cut in front of, tailgated, etc.

And he did this in front of his young daughter. Proud parent moment, I guess.

I later bumped into the principal, and he said they reviewed the footage, and the other guy was at fault, and I was clearly not speeding.
Rant incoming:

I'm driving on the road today, right before I turn into the school parking lot, I coasted down to about 20mph, before lightly braking. Nobody was behind me, so no worries there.

I am going less than 15mph, just cruising, foot on brake in the parking lot, when someone pulls right in front of me from another set of parking spaces and turns left. I was going straight. I slam on my brakes, assuming he didn't see me. He pulls up beside me, and starts yelling at me to "slow down." I got pretty upset and filliped him off ( I shouldn't have done this). He start rolling down his window, so I have to turn, because he obviously pulled in front of me, and I leave to my parking spot as I would like to avoid escalation and not get shot.

I walk inside, and he is inside of the school, inside of the doors for the secretary area, where I have to sign in. He starts yelling at me for "speeding" and flipping him off. In the meantime, the front ladies call the resource officer over. This guy is obviously crazy, and to think what would have happened if he had a weapon.

People really need to chill out when driving. I would like to safely make it to my destination, and without being cut in front of, tailgated, etc.

And he did this in front of his young daughter. Proud parent moment, I guess.

I later bumped into the principal, and he said they reviewed the footage, and the other guy was at fault, and I was clearly not speeding.
What would really be great if the school sent him a letter and told him what they concluded.
Parents at school dropoff are bat-s crazy. I hate to wish away any time with my kids, but school dropoff is next level insanity.

We live in a pretty calm area, and I commuted in DC traffic for years. At school, they have a cop and assistant principal directing traffic it's so bananas. I've seen cars cutoff, wide turns into oncoming traffic, SUVs over curbs.

My wife was passed in the turn lane inside the 20 mph school zone. (She first assumed it was a blacked-out cop SUV chasing someone). She pulled in behind the guy, and ended up in front of him. His 2 young kids popped out of the front seat. He was on the phone.

She was afraid our kids were going to say something to the guy's kids as they walked to the door.
Parents at school dropoff are bat-s crazy. I hate to wish away any time with my kids, but school dropoff is next level insanity.

We live in a pretty calm area, and I commuted in DC traffic for years. At school, they have a cop and assistant principal directing traffic it's so bananas. I've seen cars cutoff, wide turns into oncoming traffic, SUVs over curbs.

My wife was passed in the turn lane inside the 20 mph school zone. (She first assumed it was a blacked-out cop SUV chasing someone). She pulled in behind the guy, and ended up in front of him. His 2 young kids popped out of the front seat. He was on the phone.

She was afraid our kids were going to say something to the guy's kids as they walked to the door.
Yep, people seem to hate driving the speed limit in 20mph school zones. I had some guy tailgating me the other day, and getting all mad.

At my school the parents drive crazily. Not sure why haha
Our school zones have always been 15 mph. If you actually did that speed, you would be rammed in the rear bumper. I seem to see people really speeding through parking lots everywhere I go. Nearly taken out this morning by a crazed looking 30 something woman in a big CUV. She was cutting through a convenience store lot to avoid a light.

A couple of the local "neighbors" type online pages have lately reported a lot of drivers illegally passing stopped school buses. Including some with children crossing the street on both sides. The bus drivers report that nothing is done when they report them.
I have a permit and carry a gun.

I will never flip anyone off, no matter my anger. I just look away and avoid eye contact, Easier and cheaper than shooting some idiot over a trivial event.
I agree but once in a rare moment if I lose my head I will give someone like that a nice happy wave to mess with their head.
Living in where I do people are friendly but then you get those nasty transplants from other states 🙃

I was one too at one time but not a nasty one.
There is some validity to locals complaining about certain people fleeing their overtaxed states and bringing that demeanor down here.
I have a permit and carry a gun.

I will never flip anyone off, no matter my anger. I just look away and avoid eye contact, Easier and cheaper than shooting some idiot over a trivial event
Flipping someone the bird has almost become as diluted as people calling others racists.
15 MPH in a parking lot seems pretty fast and not very responsible considering all the idiots who back out of parking spaces while looking at their phones or stand at the rear of their SUV's with the hatch open while they load or unload something.
And giving someone the finger, while often justified can lead to negative consequences.

The principal may have said you clearly were not speeding but it sounds like you were going faster than was prudent. Slow down.
Rant incoming:

I'm driving on the road today, right before I turn into the school parking lot, I coasted down to about 20mph, before lightly braking. Nobody was behind me, so no worries there.

I am going less than 15mph, just cruising, foot on brake in the parking lot, when someone pulls right in front of me from another set of parking spaces and turns left. I was going straight. I slam on my brakes, assuming he didn't see me. He pulls up beside me, and starts yelling at me to "slow down." I got pretty upset and filliped him off ( I shouldn't have done this). He start rolling down his window, so I have to turn, because he obviously pulled in front of me, and I leave to my parking spot as I would like to avoid escalation and not get shot.

I walk inside, and he is inside of the school, inside of the doors for the secretary area, where I have to sign in. He starts yelling at me for "speeding" and flipping him off. In the meantime, the front ladies call the resource officer over. This guy is obviously crazy, and to think what would have happened if he had a weapon.

People really need to chill out when driving. I would like to safely make it to my destination, and without being cut in front of, tailgated, etc.

And he did this in front of his young daughter. Proud parent moment, I guess.

I later bumped into the principal, and he said they reviewed the footage, and the other guy was at fault, and I was clearly not speeding.
...but did you use your turn signals? Doubtful since you drive a BMW
Rant incoming:

I'm driving on the road today, right before I turn into the school parking lot, I coasted down to about 20mph, before lightly braking. Nobody was behind me, so no worries there.

I am going less than 15mph, just cruising, foot on brake in the parking lot, when someone pulls right in front of me from another set of parking spaces and turns left. I was going straight. I slam on my brakes, assuming he didn't see me. He pulls up beside me, and starts yelling at me to "slow down." ....
Liek DwightFrye just stated, 15mph is too fast in a parking lot. Walking speed or 5 mph MAX. But obviously the guy wasn't paying proper attention or there was an obstruction as he pulled out.
On another related note, I get upset about people cutting diagonally through a parking lot - at speed.
Follow the lanes !

I don't flip the bird - I consider this an ultimate insult. I might yell at people when they need correction - no swearing but a stern and firm chastising. Like slow dopes who floor it when you try to pass them. I will Catch you at the next light and prepare for a lashing - especially when you are trying to put my life in jeopardy.

The brainlessness out there is astonishing
I just saw a video last weekend about the topic of why so many fewer kids walk or bike to school. I don't remember traffic jams around my school when I was a kid. The opinions expressed are the video's producer's. I just thought the topic was relevant to this thread.

Rant incoming:

I'm driving on the road today, right before I turn into the school parking lot, I coasted down to about 20mph, before lightly braking. Nobody was behind me, so no worries there.

I am going less than 15mph, just cruising, foot on brake in the parking lot, when someone pulls right in front of me from another set of parking spaces and turns left. I was going straight. I slam on my brakes, assuming he didn't see me. He pulls up beside me, and starts yelling at me to "slow down." I got pretty upset and filliped him off ( I shouldn't have done this). He start rolling down his window, so I have to turn, because he obviously pulled in front of me, and I leave to my parking spot as I would like to avoid escalation and not get shot.

I walk inside, and he is inside of the school, inside of the doors for the secretary area, where I have to sign in. He starts yelling at me for "speeding" and flipping him off. In the meantime, the front ladies call the resource officer over. This guy is obviously crazy, and to think what would have happened if he had a weapon.

People really need to chill out when driving. I would like to safely make it to my destination, and without being cut in front of, tailgated, etc.

And he did this in front of his young daughter. Proud parent moment, I guess.

I later bumped into the principal, and he said they reviewed the footage, and the other guy was at fault, and I was clearly not speeding.
Oh snap, you're a parent, right? I thought you were a student.

You have the right to be upset, but you know it already, you shouldn't have flipped off anybody. My thing is for some reason I don't feel the need, but, at the same time, I try to avoid conflict say anywhere near work, let alone in the parking garage. There are real aholes in the garage speeding, tailgating, and the 19 story building has put out warnings if you are cited 2X you will lose your parking privileges.

I truly believe many people don't care and don't think there are consequences to actions anymore.

You are right, likely everyone can chill out.

Yesterday on the way to work in my neighborhood, I had a car thread the needle turning left across my path, yet again. I think it was a 16'ish driver and the van from my rearview had 2 of those new driver be patient stickers. I love the sound of my BMW horn it really sounds like I'm in control here. :)
The rules of BITOG:
1. You drive a BMW, so you will be judged accordingly
2. You posted your story on here, so you'll be wrong, and judged accordingly
3. Somebody will point out that you shouldn't fear getting shot in a parking lot

I'm going to be the guy that mentions #3 :D

This blows my mind, that one of your first thoughts is fear of getting shot for what constitutes a very minor semi-altercation 😳
I was going through the side part of the parking lot, away from the parking spots. Guy came from area by parking spaces and turned right in front of me. I was more going like 10mph. Everybody else was already parked.
I have a permit and carry a gun.

I will never flip anyone off, no matter my anger. I just look away and avoid eye contact, Easier and cheaper than shooting some idiot over a trivial event.
I didn’t mean to convey that people who have guns are bad. More like, the guy was already acting like an idiot, so who knows what else he would do. I’m not anti gun
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