Police: Truck Carrying 100 Monkeys Crashes In Pennsylvania, Some Missing

I hope that those monkeys weren't carrying some sort of exotic hemorrhagic fever.
Makes you wonder why 100 monkeys are being transported in the first place. Is there a new zoo opening or is they going to one of those pharmaceutical labs where they test chemicals on these poor animals. Either way, unless these monkeys can start a camp fire, they are probably freezing to death, its 10* F in Danville PA.

Additionally, fitting even 100 Monkeys into a tractor trailer is a tight fit....imagine all of the screaming and hooting when the accident happened!
Cynomalgus macaque monkeys from another article I saw on NPR.org. Many more details over there and these were medical lab monkeys from another country. Landed in NY on Friday and headed for Florida.
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There is a facility here in SC that does that type of "work" as well. You would never know it though. Looks like a jail, which I guess it is in some ways.
There is a facility here in SC that does that type of "work" as well. You would never know it though. Looks like a jail, which I guess it is in some ways.
I've been to animal testing facilities in Scotland and USA and they try to look very nonchalant. No fences or signs or anything. The one I'm most familiar with has an extensive camera and pressure sensors under the ground system to alert security of any intruders. That work is unpleasant and very expensive but a requirement.
Chimps will bite your scalp, your junk, smart as some sapiens......as for monkeys..........what KIND?
You do not want to mess with a full grown chimpanzee. From what I've seen, they get grumpy and easily agitated and aggressive as they age and they go for the face and the genitals when attacking.