Please put a dotted line between your signature and text.

Mine should not be confused with part of the post...

That said, not going to type a dotted line at the end of my posts because code is written poorly and you choose to continue to use it.
At the bottom of most pages. Just click on what shows and the other options will magically appear. Mine says Bitog Blue if I turn off dark mode.
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UD, click on your username in the toolbar at the top of the page and select "Preferences". In the "Style" box, choose "BITOG_Dark" from the dropdown menu. Hit "Save" button.

Typically I've seen dark mode as the " half moon" symbol.

Screenshot 2023-06-17 at 1.45.43 PM.jpg
The second line is not for you.
Again, don't need a second line.
If one is not smart enough or have the visual acuity to differentiate a post from an already separated signature, that is not on me.

I will request that instead of one asking everyone else to change for their problem, one should switch to a lighter mode where the already in place line is easily seen (but I see it just fine in dark mode as well).