Pet peeves

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Aug 22, 2003
Of Course the slow left lane driver.
I hate the guy {usually a woman} who stands in line at the chck-out counter then decides to dig thru the purs/wallet after the cashier rings him up.
Or count out to the last penny digging for that last nickel to make it exact..
That's cool as long as they get back before their last item is rung up.
Or the guy that has to "return" items cause he can't add in his head and overbuys.
my dads a slow left lane driver alot of times, it really gets me goat to the point that i somtimes cant be in the same vehicle with him.
Idiots, in general. They seem to follow me everywhere I go...
3000mile/3 month, whichever comes first, obsessive-compulsive oil changers.

The same OCD-stricken individuals, especially relatives, who insist my engine will blow up if such schedule, rather than the one in my owners manual, isn't followed.
Pet peeves? 1.How about how the younger guys call other guys "Dude".
2.Or how about when it doesn't rain enough to use your wipers on regular speed yet as soon as you put it on intermittent, it rains harder (and then it does the same thing in reverse).
3.This one is a family issue.... the jam and ketchup bottle lids are always all funked up and sticky.
4.The guy in your car-pool (ride share) that decides it's time to cut the cheese.
5.Semi trucks that throw road grime all over your car and windshield.
6.The odd looking people that frequent or work at Walmart and/or Kmart.
7.The constant rising cost of stamps.
8.TV commercials where the guy is the dummy and the wife is the smart one.
9.Roger Moore as James Bond.
10.Anti-war activists.

Originally posted by salesrep:
Of Course the slow left lane driver.
I hate the guy {usually a woman} who stands in line at the chck-out counter then decides to dig thru the purs/wallet after the cashier rings him up.
Or count out to the last penny digging for that last nickel to make it exact..

The same person when the pay by check. After they hear the total they get their checkbook out, write the check, enter it in their register, then hand it to the cashier.
I despise the slow left lane drivers as much as anybody. However many of them have been taught to get into the left lane when they get a chance because people won't let them in when they get to where they are going to make a left turn. I do feel they could pay a little more attention to the light, and tottle off before it is half way through the green.
1) It's not so bad that the cost of stamps goes's the odd number thing, .37, .41. Just make it .50 and keep it that way for 10-15 years, then go .55....

2) My hair loss. Chicks won't dig me any more.
3) Guys that think chicks dig them just because the have hair.
4) Chicks that don't dig guys with body hair.
5) Sweaty cushions on work out machines.
6) Parents that don't regularly change kid's diapers.
7) Maids that throw away my razor in hotel rooms. Really a bummer when you are on your last one and some chick is gonna have dinner with you.
8) Stringy beef caught between your back teeth.
9) Grocery store fruit that never actually had any intention of getting ripe.
10) Speaking an almost perfect Mandarin to a Chinese person, and have the person NOT understand you because they are expecting some western language so they don't even listen...happens a lot.
11) Leaving for work with no inkling of having to take a dump and be half way to work and have a turtle head poking out.
12) Someone gassing and dashing in a store aisle and then innocently walking in the cloud.
13) Sunburn on the scalp.
14) Getting your ginger root taken away at the US/Canada border
15) Neighbor kid's friend come to pick up him up, but never leaves the car. Just honks and waits. Keeps honking until he comes out.
16) Michael Moore
17) Fat chicks, young fat chicks that don't even try, young fat chicks that don't even try to lose weightt and then say fat is cool and beautiful. Yeah right.
18) Clothing store for young fat chicks.
19) Donuts.
20) Mexican food with mushrooms (it's a PNW thing)
21) Chinese people who say they hate western food, but have never been outside of China.
22) Bosses who steal your ideas.
23) Bosses who actually never do anything but hang around with the people that report to you and try and act cool.
24) Bosses who talk bad behind your back, and make stuff up.
25) Starfruit.

Originally posted by andrews:
Women that wear next to nothing, and then get mad when they catch you looking at them.

But, you see, if they didn't wear next to nothing you wouldn't look at them and they wouldn't have an excuse to get mad at you.
I'd have to say having my wife call me when I am in the middle of of an unneccessarily difficult repair
(don't even get me started on their use of a pull type pressure plate)on her frigging Rodeo to ask me "are you done yet?"... every 20 minutes.


[ December 01, 2004, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: Bret Chase ]

guys who shave their backs

Guys who shave out the number of their favorite NASCAR driver .....

The tendency of TV sitcoms to be situated in New York City, with the accompanying stereotyping

The practice of most members of the movie and TV industry to pimp for each other when interviewed (No one is anything less than "a fabulous talent")

Media's perpetual worship of the younger generation's new fads, particular the current infatuation with the supposed stoner/slacker behavior (does anyone, even a teenager, really act that moronic?).

[ December 01, 2004, 11:53 PM: Message edited by: TooManyWheels ]
man...I have so many

1. People that chew with their mouths open
2. People in the movie theater that crumple bags while it's quiet.
3. People that talk in the movie theater loud. SHUT THE F'UP and watch the movie you little pr*cks. That is what I want to say. Might have to someday.
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