Every couple of years around the time when the Märzenbier hits the store shelves I'll pull the old hay wagon into the barn and disassemble the brakes, clean everything, replace anything that doesn't pass inspection, and then I slather it all back together with these two separate lubricants. The Sil-Glyde goes on the glide pins, glide pin boots, and caliper piston boots prior to assembly. The Cera Tec goes on the back of the pads where they come in contact with the caliper, on the caliper carrier and shims where the pads sit and on the ears of the pads themselves. The Cera Tec stuff just doesn't seem to be affected by water spray, heat, vibration, etc. It's always where I put it two years later.
Fred Flintstone might have had more swept braking area than my car but I bet he was squealing after a few hard decelerations. These lubricants keep things smooth and quiet... just like Wilma likes it.
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