Penrite 10w50 HPR10 syn vs Delvac 1 5W40

May 28, 2024
Hi all,
A recently had the sump off my 1VD-FTV Landcruiser (diesel) and noted there was some soot/sludge precipitated on the walls of the crankcase. I also noticed that the inside of the oil filter housing also was not that clean either. I know diesels get dirty but I'd thought with my 5kkm change regime, and long runs it would have been cleaner than it was.
I've been using Penrite's 10W50 HPR10 full synthetic which I've been happy with (verified by oil testing), however have some concerns re the detergent pack and it's effectiveness. The truck does sit for extended periods between uses so this could be exacerbating the problem.
Have just switched to Delvac 1 5w40 to see if that cleans it up a bit.
Can anyone comment as to both the overall detergent performance of both the Penrite and Delvac 1 products?
Many thanks in advance!
Mark :)
Sludge, or soot falling out of suspension? It's all looking like a black mess, but the latter would require better dispersant capability or solubility of the oil. That's the major difference between a gas engine and diesel engine oil, the amount of soot it needs to handle. Dedicated diesel oils like for big rigs are likely to do better.

With a good oil in there, diesels stay clean inside, they don't have the varnish issues gas engines get. The oil turns black but the metal stays spotless.
Hi Jetronic - many thanks for the response. It's soot falling out of suspension. I used the word sludge, but could not think of a better word. The Penrite is not a dedicated diesel oil, although it meets the specification outlined by Toyota. I'm guessing the Delvac 1 being a specific diesel engine oil, should be better? Kind regards Mark
We run Delvac 15W40 in our Caterpillar engines so not exactly the same grade or engine but add pack would be close youd think

Pulled a sample As a example on 15W40 whats left in the add pack with 600hrs run time on the oil
Zinc 878
Magnesium 516
Calcium 1774
Moly 42
Phosphorus 791
Boron 52

TBN is at 8.7
An oil analysis doesn't show what's left in the add pack, the amounts of those elements doesn't change over the course of an oci unless there's contamination, or fluid added with a different make up.

the ZDDP which is sacrifical is comprised of zinc, phosporous and sulfur, when used it decomposes and ceases to be zddp but it's still zinc, phosporous and sulfur.
Is this the oil your using? It says on the back of the bottle not recommended for dpf or for acea "C" grade which is what is recommended for the 1vd

