Paid posters for Auto Rx

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Originally Posted By: Mamala Bay
c3po if you talking of me about the LC usage I first tested on a small engine before using on my vehicle. LC was used in the later phase of the oci with Amsoil.

On the second order it was quite clear to me a formulation in the product change. I had no interest in LC and broke my gallon into quarts and sold it. I did not want to mention LC in this regards as it's a different product I had used. If others want to talk of LC why should I care, it's their usage.

It seems to me you are trying to discredit anyone that talks favorable about ARX. I tried ARX because another member had the same engine and same performance drop. He had favorable results so I tried it. I had results with one clean/rinse phase. I'm pleased with the results and use Amsoil for extended drain intervals without the need for any type of oil additive.

I have no problem with anyone talking favorably about arx, but when someone says they have never used another oil additive besides arx and I find old posts of theres that show they have used them it makes me wonder if there is something going on. How hard is it for someone posting favorably for arx to say I have used LC and MMO but I liked arx better, or just come out and say that I only like MMO in the fuel.
Thank you demarpaint and c3po for your fair and informational posts.

I picked up another 6 quarts of MMO yesterday for a little less than $3 per quart.
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Its a little early to thank c3po for being "fair or informational"

Although I am glad he cleared the air so to speak.

One would have to believe that he is very naive to believe that the four hundred dollar or so "gift" didnt come with some strings attached. Frank calling out c3po's honesty out, is a little like the pot calling the kettle black, although I can understand how c3po would feel if he at that point realized what had happened.

If it were me i would feel like i was taken advantage of and feel like a big fool for not seeing why i really had recived such a gift, and i would be angry at not only myself but Frank also.

For myself, on this site and others, just like in person, after a while you can tell who is full of [censored] or who isnt, to a point.

I like the input from the guys that use products and dont contribute to the drama, whether its oil or a tire brand.

Duanes two cents worth
He "confessed" everything and regretted to take the free samples, that is fair enough for me.

Now if all other paid ARX people (free sample or $) come forward, then they would be fair as well.
(There are those people in this thread.)

I am a moderator of an active car forum and our forum does not allow any advertising or soliciting so I have developed some sense to smell the shills and I "ban and clean" them. If I were the mod here and if this board has the same TOU, I would have done to a few already.
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I attempted to share some information and c3po attempted to scrounge a conflict between my current statement and previous statements. I suppose that it was entertaining to some, but it was incomplete and dishonest. My statements are listed as "Offline". The text was completely public. I assume that c3po found other posts from me that were not consistent with his aggenda. If not, keep searching c3po, you will find a thread on polyisobutylene as a fuel add and my attempt to find a solvent to dilute it a bit to make measuring a little easier. Without regard to that fact, the previous posting(s) from me are completely compatible with my current use of the word "rarely". I am absolutely transparent.

For c3po's statements to be some sort of sphincter check for me would require him finding something deserving of posterior tightening. Instead, I am finding myself shaking my head and wondering why the site has changed so much. I am sort of surprised at Gary's position that c3po strategy is somehow worthy of respect.

Intellectual honesty is getting more difficult to find every day. I suppose that we can't expect much more from a "gotcha" culture. I collect, analyze, and share data for a living. I am accustomed to peer review think that defending a point of view against valid arguments is useful. I find BITOG's current format of public bashing less than useful for arriving at accuracy.

I still like the smell of MMO... I'm not so sure about some of the current BITOG posters.
After I used Auto-RX and seemed to get results (I cannot deny that a seal leak stopped), I probably supported Auto-RX as much as anybody else here. Even after Frank of Auto-RX attacked me in a post I still wrote favorable postings and replies to postings. And I did try some other stuff as well. I tried Neutra because Bob himself (who started this website) recommended Neutra as an engine cleaner. I tried some MMO especially in the gasoline and some LC. But I will try you right now that I don't care at all for the idea of secret paid promoters and the mere fact that there was one (or more) makes me want to NOT use Auto-RX. That is just how I feel and that is honest.

I have no idea if there are secret paid promoters here for MMO or not. But if there are I would feel the same way about them.

Somebody said above a product should sell itself if it is good. There should be no need to secretly pay people to make good comments about a product.

And like I have said again and again there is no real drastic need for ANY of these supplements. Anybody can drive a car or truck for many, many miles (as long as it does not have a sludge monster engine) using nothing but a quality brand of motor oil and reasonable OCIs. I still think it would be nice having a proven product we can trust for high mileage/abused vehicles. The people who make and sell these supplements NEED US-WE DON'T NEED THEM!

This entire Auto-RX versus MMO mumbo jumbo has depressed me. I think I for one will start looking at other options such as Mobil 1 HM oil or non solvent engine cleanings or perhaps Lubegard non-solvent Engine Flush. We KNOW that the Mobil 1 HM oil is approved and developed by a major corporation. I feel like voting with my feet and leaving the entire Auto-RX/MMO mess behind with all of the secret agendas. Wash my hands of it so to speak. That is just how I feel. Exxon/Mobil claims that Mobil 1 HM oil has cleaning properties and I could buy and use some just for the wintertime. Synthetic oil is good for the wintertime anyway. And if that oil did some cleaning in my engine well-bonus time!

On the other hand I still have two bottles of Auto-RX and I am not going to throw it out. So I will probably use a bottle at about 100,000 miles.

But this is how I feel and I am being honest. I don't think I will buy any more Auto-RX and frankly I am not very interested in MMO at this time either.
Originally Posted By: GMorg

I still like the smell of MMO... I'm not so sure about some of the current BITOG posters.

It seems that many people like the smell of MMO...
Just remember this everybody-the people who promote and sell these products need us and we do not need them. It does not matter what they may secretly think of us and all of their secret agendas and free gifts to certain members and all of that. In the end we have the power because we are not required to buy anything. You can vote with your feet and leave all of their smelly secret agendas in the dust.

After all of this how many people here are ready to buy Auto-RX? And of course that could have been a secret agenda on the part of some to make THAT happen! Well, we don't have to buy the MMO EITHER!

The only thing we have to put into our engines is quality motor oil changed at reasonable OCIs. That is the only thing we are required to do if we want to have a long lasting engine.

Want to defeat the smelly secret agendas of all of these people? Just walk. We have the power and they do not. Just walk away. What do you think all of the secret agenda and secret paid promoters will think of that?
I am sort of surprised at Gary's position that c3po strategy is somehow worthy of respect.

GMorg, I think you read Gary wrong. Sphincter police doesn't sound like a phrase you would use to show respect.
I was being overly enthusiastic at c3po's discovery of the flaw in the post. I assumed the role of a rah-rah. [sarcasm]..[/sarcasm] Sometimes stuff just strikes my funny bone ..

..but the act in itself ..for its diligence and dedication, surely warranted some congratulation from someone
After everybody gets done attacking each other maybe we can get back to what was a few years ago. That is what I would like to see.

Also a little while back it seemed like there was nothing allowed in the Additive Section except for Auto-RX. Even though I was an Auto-RX supporter myself, I tried to bring up some other supplements like Lubegard products. Now it seems a lot of the posts in the Additive Section are about MMO. I think it is not a proven fact that MMO is the solution for dirty engines and I don't want to see discussion about other supplements completely driven away by the new golden MMO team. Or will we all be required to join the MMO team? I would rather be independent myself.

Now if MMO really does prove to be the perfect solution to dirty engines I don't have a problem with that. I want to see some solid evidence of that. If I bring up Neutra or Lubegard Engine Flush will I be driven away? What if Neutra turns out to be the perfect solution for dirty engines (Bob, who started this website, thought so)? Does that information get suppressed by the new MMO crowd in the reserved for royalty seats?

With all of the nonsense that has taken place I am about ready to say goodbye to all supplements. Maybe when I need an engine cleaning I will go find an Amsoil dealer and buy some Amsoil Engine Flush.

Frank did offer me a free bottle of Auto RX to do a second clean and rinse on my car after he saw the thread where I filtered my used oil through a Scott shop towel to see what gunk was suspended in it.

I personally don't see anything wrong with are a real person that has tested the product and believe it worked like it claimed and got rewarded. Simple as that! Word of mouth advertising.
Now if AutoRX was proven to be some re-packaged el-cheapo dino oil that Frank was charging $30 a bottle for then I can see bashing him and his company...but it isn't.
Originally Posted By: dkryan
Let's just ban Auto-RX and MMO postings by ANYONE from now on.

And c3po.

Dumb - ...
Several companies have tried to buy Frank out, one being the major competitor to BITOG but at a ludicrously low price. Oil companies approached Frank to use RX as a replacement additive in oil, but won't pay the cost of manufacture let alone Frank making a profit which he is entitled to do. This is all public knowledge and has been for years.
Originally Posted By: sprintman
Several companies have tried to buy Frank out, one being the major competitor to BITOG but at a ludicrously low price. Oil companies approached Frank to use RX as a replacement additive in oil, but won't pay the cost of manufacture let alone Frank making a profit which he is entitled to do. This is all public knowledge and has been for years.

Perhaps they were only prepared to pay what it was worth?
Originally Posted By: expat
Originally Posted By: sprintman
Several companies have tried to buy Frank out, one being the major competitor to BITOG but at a ludicrously low price. Oil companies approached Frank to use RX as a replacement additive in oil, but won't pay the cost of manufacture let alone Frank making a profit which he is entitled to do. This is all public knowledge and has been for years.

Perhaps they were only prepared to pay what it was worth?

OOOH!! Burn!
Originally Posted By: Mamala Bay
Originally Posted By: dkryan
Let's just ban Auto-RX and MMO postings by ANYONE from now on.

And c3po.

Dumb - ...

Full of it...pain in ***
Originally Posted By: expat
Originally Posted By: sprintman
Several companies have tried to buy Frank out, one being the major competitor to BITOG but at a ludicrously low price. Oil companies approached Frank to use RX as a replacement additive in oil, but won't pay the cost of manufacture let alone Frank making a profit which he is entitled to do. This is all public knowledge and has been for years.

Perhaps they were only prepared to pay what it was worth?

There is another possibility. In the 80's the Japanese would buy out any company that even remotely designed computers or disk drives. The main reason was to eliminate any competition and was not to get patents or better ideas. It became a game where engineer conmen would start a disk drive company, invent a disk drive, have their friends in the magazine industry give it phony reviews, then sell the company to the Japanese and start the game all over again. The oil companies may have just wanted to eliminate the competition.
Originally Posted By: Loobed
Originally Posted By: expat
Originally Posted By: sprintman
Several companies have tried to buy Frank out, one being the major competitor to BITOG but at a ludicrously low price. Oil companies approached Frank to use RX as a replacement additive in oil, but won't pay the cost of manufacture let alone Frank making a profit which he is entitled to do. This is all public knowledge and has been for years.

Perhaps they were only prepared to pay what it was worth?

There is another possibility. In the 80's the Japanese would buy out any company that even remotely designed computers or disk drives. The main reason was to eliminate any competition and was not to get patents or better ideas. It became a game where engineer conmen would start a disk drive company, invent a disk drive, have their friends in the magazine industry give it phony reviews, then sell the company to the Japanese and start the game all over again. The oil companies may have just wanted to eliminate the competition.

You make a very good point. Big companies do not want competition. Whether Walmart or the Big 3 back in the early days of the auto industry, they all seek monopolies. And that's true, Japan went very agressively after our electronics industry and other industries. I think they did the same thing with our auto industry, from dumping to having their cronies hype their cars in the auto mags. I'm taking no opinion really on auto-Rx and MMO but it kind of reminds me how so many people bash GM and praise its competitors. And in both case you have to wonder if it's really just about which is a better product or value.
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