Paid posters for Auto Rx

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Am I missing something or is c3po the only admitted "paid" poster? He has a hidden agenda and this issue fits his agenda perfectly...
It appears I need to make another clarification. I've had a decent length association with Frank Miller. I'm not paid to post on Frank's behalf. Frank was kind enough to help out with some experiments that I did "just for the heck of it", like I did with oil filter bypass valve testing ..and 0w-10 oil testing. I even did a MASSIVE MMO dosing experiment just because there were so many people who said "You'll shoot your eye out, kid" whenever someone suggested putting it in fuel with a catalytic converter and sensors. Don't ever tell me NOT to do something just because YOU'RE afraid of what MIGHT occur unless you've got real reasons to support that fear. It's all just that simple.

The last one I did was with TallPaul. It had no "product" to produce from the trial other than "let's see what happens". We saw what a fine reception he got with trying to post about it. A fine showing from all.

This relationship was one born out of goodwill. Frank helped me out in costs ..and I reciprocate. It's that simple. I find high value in his product and did so long before that association was formed.

There's nothing sinister or covert about it. This is what people sensibly do. Form healthy interactive relationships ..even if there's no specified rate of return on investment. I have the same relationship with Terry Dyson and have no qualms whatsoever about suggesting his services to those who can use them. I wish I could use him more often ..especially with my 0w-10 testing.

This post is just to assure you that there are no invisible elephants in the room.
Gary, you said that you did a massive MMO experiment. What did you find out if I can ask. Is it safe? Does it work to clean out an engine?

People seem to keep attacking each other in this endless post. I would like to see constructive things done like people actually testing a product and letting everybody knwo what their results are.

I remember Terry said that he did some testing on Auto-RX for example. One of the reasons I was willing to use Auto-RX was because of the testing that he did.

Testing of various products by people here at this website is one of the things I like to see. Testing by people who do not have some kind of a secret agenda.

If we can't find out about various products that are available such as Auto-RX, MMO, Neutra, BG products, and so forth, I personally will just stop using all supplements. It is quite easy just to use good quality motor oil, coolant, etc., and change according to recommendations and just forget about all of the supplements and forget about any paid or unpaid promoters with secret agendas.

I got my fuel filter changed today on my Saturn Ion. Those fuel filters on Saturns tend to be hard to change out so I went to a nearby shop. While I waited I noticed that a non-solvent internal engine cleaning was priced at $79.00. A person could get that service done at 80,000 or 100,000 miles and not need Auto-RX, MMO, or anything else.

So if the people involved with all of these third party supplements do not clean up their acts with all of the secret agendas and everything else I might just go that route.

With all of the stuff going on here (and by the way I am not saying you are involved in any of this), I have about had it with Auto-RX, MMO, and everything else in the way of additives of any kind.

Can you understand where I am coming from?
Originally Posted By: BoiseRob
Am I missing something or is c3po the only admitted "paid" poster? He has a hidden agenda and this issue fits his agenda perfectly...

Do you guys want to hear my story, or do you really not care anymore, everything Gary Allan has posted about his association with arx is 100% correct, let me know and I will post later tonite.
c3po I will listen to your story. I don't know what Papa Bear means by the 'other site.' I think all of this stuff needs to come out and people can make their own decisions about everything.

I will wait to read what you have to say. But personally I am getting tired of all of this and it will be very easy to forget about all supplements, including Auto-RX AND MMO. Hey, it says in the owners' manuals not to use supplements. I think I can understand why. For one thing too much definite trash out there not worth anything but also too much mumbo jumbo with the stuff we might be willing to use.

If I want to find out about motor oils I can listen to what Johnny has to say. I trust him and he used to work for Pennzoil. There is actual testing of various brands of motor oil that gets published at this website. We can see the results of actual new and used oil testing.

We can find out about people's experiences with various brands of oil filters, etc.

So I can come to this website and find actual good information on various brands of motor oils, oil filters, even computer software and hardware.

But if I can't find out good information about oil supplements and stuff like that I will stick to what I know is good and the rest I will forget about. That is just my viewpoint.
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Gary, you said that you did a massive MMO experiment. What did you find out if I can ask. Is it safe? Does it work to clean out an engine?

The main thing I proved is what doesn't happen in apparent outcomes when added WAY over the recommended dosage in fuel. WAY OVERBOARD. It fouled the plugs, but you would not have known it by the engine response or fuel economy (after the treatment tank). It produced "one bump" starting. It also left a vapor trail there was so much in the fuel (there was also ATF in there too). The vehicle passed emissions just fine (not performed during the treatment tank - but later). The heads and pistons were pretty much void of deposits ..but the intake valves had a soft soot on the back sides. I imagine that this would have gone away with enough time.

That's how I find out if the ice is too thin. I just go out and JUMP up and down on it. When I hear people debating about +/- 2cc's of product being the dividing line between not enough, just right, and too much just really bugs me if they have no reason for the "fear factor". Most times people don't reason these things, they just "worry". The concern may be valid or it may not be ..but unless you go out and find out, it's just irrational worry. I figured that a 170k+/- engine I really had not a whole lot to lose and if I needed a cat be it. Nothing bad happened.

I didn't not intend my experiment to be misunderstood as a recommendation. All I set out to silence was the "you'll shoot your eye out, kid" type speculation.

That is, the use of MMO in fuel is not assured to foul or degrade your emissions system even in massive doses in fuel. My results were not at all conclusive ..but suggests that the stuff is harmless in recommended dosages in fuel.

I don't find a need to use it in oil ..but I'll qualify that by saying that I'm also into extended drains and use top tier oils. I might form a different set of habits under different circumstances.
Thanks for your reply to my questions Gary. That was nice of you. I was willing to use MMO in the gasoline but I did not like the idea of using it in the oil all that much.

I guess Papa Bear means by the 'other site' that Noria website. I went there and the discussion there between Auto-RX and MMO supporters is more crazy than what I have seen at this website. In fact this website is flat out tame in comparison! I don't need that kind of drama.

I like this website very much but I am seriously considering forgetting about the additive section. I could go next week to a legit auto repair facility where the people who own the place (actually they have two such facilities) have been in business for more than three decades and have more business than any other repair facility I know of and get a non-solvent engine oil cleaning that includes an oil change and filter change. It would cost less than four Auto-RX cleanings in 100,000 miles and probably be about as effective.

And actually nobody really needs these supplements anyway. Just use good quality oil, transmission fluid, etc. I still have some faith in Lubegard products and one of these days I think I will give that Lubegard Engine Flush a try. Or maybe I will just use Mobil 1 High Mileage motor oil.

On second thought it is kind of entertaining watching these people battle each other. But it is not very professional and somehow I can't see legit business people acting like that. I am ready to move on. I can make my life simpler with just good general maintenance of my car. My car has 80,000 miles so I must be doing something right.

I can vote with my feet and leave all of their wonderful secret agendas in the dust.
c3po you asked if people wanted to hear your story and to let you know and you would post later tonight. I for one let you know that I was willing to hear your story. But it is getting late where I live and later still where you live since you live far to the east of me. So I have to assume that you are not going to post tonight.
Well, anyway, I think I have said about everything I want to say about all of this. I have not lost all faith in third party supplements. Based on what I know about the history of Lubegard products and based on a power steering product from Lubegard seeming to work for me, I still have some faith in Lubegard products. And I simply cannot deny that Auto-RX seemed to stop a seal leak in a car I used to own. Plus I still have two bottles of Auto-RX.

The bottom line is good general maintenance comes first. You can't go far wrong by using good products and changing fluids at necessary intervals.

Any engine in any car or truck will eventually wear out. Good maintenance will delay that but it will happen. There is no miracle in a bottle to prevent an engine from wearing out given enough time.

There are even a few motor oils that may clean better than others. And we know that these motor oils are approved. We don't have to worry about voiding a warranty or having possible problems by using something that may be harmful to an engine. For example Mobil 1 High Mileage oil is supposed to clean better than many motor oils and of course it is 100% approved for use in engines. Exxon/Mobil Corporation probably does good work. Some people have commented here that Pennzoil Platinum seems to have cleaning properties.

I have used a few oil supplements/engine cleaners in my life. Looking back on it all I probably could have saved myself a lot of time and money by just using the proper approved motor oil. For example, I may well have had similiar results by using Castrol 20W50 in the summertime in my old used Toyota Corolla instead of Tufoil. And the Castro 20W50 was cheaper and available locally. Oh well, live and learn. It has been a fun ride anyway.

I think I will still check out the additive section here just for laughs but I think I will also pay more attention to other sections here.

Remember when there were graphited and Moly additives for motor oils? Most of those products did not really work. But eventually chemists at the professional oil companies figured out how to put Moly in chemical solutions into approved motor oils.

Maybe someday some corporation like Exxon/Mobil will come out with a cleaner for internal engine parts that is approved and actually works.
Originally Posted By: BoiseRob
Am I missing something or is c3po the only admitted "paid" poster? He has a hidden agenda and this issue fits his agenda perfectly...

Here it goes guys, I was talking with Frank Miller back in August of 2008 and he said look I am going to send you a case of arx, which is 24 bottles for all of the nice posts you have done about arx, I turned around and bought another case and he threw in 6 more bottles for free, at that time there was no mention of being given the free arx to keep posting about the product, I did thank Frank and I told him I would continue to post about my observations with arx, in December of 2008 I got called out in a thread that I was a paid poster for arx, I denied it, which at the time was true. When Frank gave me the free arx he said do what you want with it, sell it, give it to your friends. I believe that sales were low and this would be a way for him to get some new business, ironically, the member who called me out as being a paid poster was the same guy who started this thread.

If Frank had said to me in August of 2008 this free arx is for you to post favorably about my product, I would have declined, knowing that it would violate board rules, so there was no intent for Frank Miller to buy me in anyway, the free product did not change the way I posted about arx, Frank is a business man and I still to this day realize he believes in his product.

In April of 2009 I started using MMO in my oil on the recomendation of a member here who did not see results with arx, it worked great, but since I was an arx moderator I felt I could not post here, before using MMO I Pmed an arx moderator about MMO, he told me that he used MMO and sometimes Neutra 500 miles before his OCI, I was shocked.

I went over to Noria and posted under a different name and I called the thread ARX & MMO, it did not get much interest, but at least I could post freely about my experiences. I remember Frank telling me there was a lot of hostility towards his product, so I started Pming certain members here and they voiced concerns about arx. In the summer of 2009 things were going bad for arx, and a few times a month I would call Frank up to see how things were going, he said to me how come you are not posting about arx, why do you think I gave you that free product, it was for you to keep posting about arx, I was shocked, I did not argue with him and say hey you never said that in August of 2008, I did not want to upset him so I basically said o.k. I will start posting about arx. In early August of 2009 there was a thread called Mobil 1 Cleans Better Than ARX and I happened to call Frank and he said can you post something in the thread, which I did, it was my observations with ARX but I left out that I was using MMO, I was still posting on Noria.

In the middle of August 2009 I started a thread called ARX & MMO, with the intent of having members look at ARX for the Clean Phase and MMO for the Rinse Phase, at that time I had turned on other arx users to MMO, I told them about my experiences and they were getting results. What ended up happening was that I was attacked by 2 members who were afiliated with arx, they questioned my HONESTY and they used a post against me, saying who can we believe, it was the same post I had put in the Mobil 1 Cleans Better Than ARX Thread, I was really upset, the thread got real nasty and I quit as an arx moderator and the thread got locked. I ended up being banned for a week and in that time I just went through the whole oil additive section and read every post about arx.

I came back and then started a thread called ARX & Aluminum Engines, but this time instead of arguing I just Cut and Pasted old posts about arx, but of course that thread got locked too. I then started posting in another thread on Noria and I tried to call Frank Miller out to debate me, instead I got Gary Allan, it got really heated, it was like the fight of all fights, Gary is an excellent debater, but its hard to debate Gary, my mistake was that I did not use any of his old posts against him, and I really wanted to debate Frank, not Gary. I have read the posts a few times where we battled and I cannot say who won or lost, but I came away with the fact that I could really air out my feelings whereas on this board I could not. Looking back, I should have Pmed Gary and told him who I really was, Gary was using a different alias, the same alias he used on arx, in our battle I did not disclose his true identity.

I know I am jumping around here, but in the ARX & MMO Thread I did state that I was a paid arx guy, I just think the fight in that thread was so nasty that some members overlooked what I said, and of course the thread got locked, and most members only read posts on the 1st page in each section.

I then started a thread on Noria called MMO Is Better Than ARX, but this time I used my real name, and guess who came out to fight me, Frank Miller, the guy who questioned my HONESTY, this was the debate I wanted, I was ready this time, I had a whole bunch of posts ready for the fight, I did not in anyway mention the name BITOG in my fight, I refered to it as the other board, my fight was with Frank Miller, not BITOG, needless to say it was not much of a fight, I was smacking arx like there was no tommorow, some other guy jumped in and I just kept rolling, Gary Allan made a jab at me and I just used one of his old posts about MMO against him, and I really smacked him around in the post, I got a PM from a member here and he told me, I think you went to far, he said Gary is just helping Frank out and your claims about his association with arx were wrong, Gary never replied, so I just kept slamming arx in that thread, then some guy came on named Rocky 22 who sounded like someone I knew over at arx, he asked that the thread should be changed or locked, it kind of sounded like arx was throwing in the towel, I just said to myself, I won this debate, I even made a rebuttal to one of Rocky 22's comments and he never replied.

Then, of course this thread started, we had members calling one another shills and other names, we had a member who stated he had only used arx, but I found an old post where he had supposodely used LC, then another member here stated he had no use for MMO yet I found an old post where he had used MMO in his fuel, I even found another post where he talked favorably about MMO in the oil but I just figured one of his posts was enough.

I wanted to take this opportunity to say that in no way is Gary Allan a paid represenative of arx in anyway, I am sorry Gary that we battled it out on Noria because my fight was not with you but with Frank Miller and arx. I realize that you believe in arx and you are just helping Frank out because you are good natured and you consider him a friend.

If anyone wants to judge what I have done or said all I can say is the only way to understand all of this is to go through the oil additive section and read every post about arx. All of the information I found was right in this oil additive section, its like a history of arx and all of the characters that are involved.

I think members are tired of the fighting, we have had banned members, and other members who have left the board for various reasons, and maybe it is time to let arx and MMO stand on its own, meaning if you have not used MMO then why trash it, the same with arx, if you have not used it, then do not trash it.

We really need to find a way to get along in this section, I do not have all of the answers, and I am sorry if I offended anyone, but my honesty was attacked and this fight blew up into something that went totally out of control.
Originally Posted By: sprintman
You havn't come out of this well and you know it. Keep your head down for a while and you may get some credibility back.

You're one to talk.
I can unlike you mr big mouth. No free product (I pay more than anybody @ A$660 a case), no kickbacks, and no false accusations. More than you can say and all here for everybody to read. Nice try but about your low standard as usual. Must be something about texans?
Originally Posted By: sprintman
I can unlike you mr big mouth. No free product (I pay more than anybody @ A$660 a case), no kickbacks, and no false accusations. More than you can say and all here for everybody to read. Nice try but about your low standard as usual. Must be something about texans?

Drink less before posting. I don't know what else to say.
What is clear to me is that the ownership of ARX takes a great interest in the various online forums that discuss oil/cars. It also seems that some "members" of various forums were compensated for discussing ARX in a favorable light.

What hasn't been shown (and I haven't seen any evidence of it) is that Turtle Wax (a) cares, (b) maintains any presence on any of these boards, (c) compensates anyone for their commentary about MMO.

A good product sells itself. No drama, no namecalling, and no compensation for commentary is required. Some of the folks here who have been "helping" ARX have probably done the most to turn people away with their condescending remarks and off color personal attacks. There's no place for any of that here or in any other forum.

Disclaimer: I've never used ARX. I have used MMO with good results. Nobody pays me anything or gives me any freebies.

Best regards,
c3po if you talking of me about the LC usage I first tested on a small engine before using on my vehicle. LC was used in the later phase of the oci with Amsoil.

On the second order it was quite clear to me a formulation in the product change. I had no interest in LC and broke my gallon into quarts and sold it. I did not want to mention LC in this regards as it's a different product I had used. If others want to talk of LC why should I care, it's their usage.

It seems to me you are trying to discredit anyone that talks favorable about ARX. I tried ARX because another member had the same engine and same performance drop. He had favorable results so I tried it. I had results with one clean/rinse phase. I'm pleased with the results and use Amsoil for extended drain intervals without the need for any type of oil additive.
What hasn't been shown (and I haven't seen any evidence of it) is that Turtle Wax (a) cares, (b) maintains any presence on any of these boards, (c) compensates anyone for their commentary about MMO.

Perhaps not, but one would also have a very hard time explaining that a mass gaggle of unrelated and unassociated posting would automatically amass in one spot at every Auto-Rx thread started. It would be very "unusual" for that to occur with the immutable regularity. Same posters ..same rhetoric.

That is, it's proposed that the mass gaggle of Auto-Rx threads in the past were due ONLY to alleged shills ...but MMO mass migrations and congregating are ONLY due to natural, wholesome, and genuine reasons where there is no ancillary motivations.

Can you see where that really doesn't add up?

Now we can manage some "sauce for the goose" reflex action as some alleged "pay back" toward Frank for past transgressions ..but now who is the dark knight? Has Frank and his alleged shills been replaced by a new heir(s) apparent ..and for what motivation?? To be crowned the new "bad boyz" of the additive section??

This is Twilight Zone stuff.
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