OMAD / One Meal a Day Days

Cold showers

wake you up thoroughly
increase circulation because blood flow must increase
stimulate and boost your immune system by increasing white blood cell production - people who routinely take cold showers have been shown to fall significantly less often ill with infectious diseases and infections
reduce muscle aches and soreness

Not only do I take cold showers in addition to luke-warm ones, I also spend hours and hours in the ocean every week, wearing either a tri-suit or a wetsuit. I'm in 52°F-60°F water, depending on the time of year. Can't even remember getting a cold, the flu, or anything.
I myself don’t ever remember getting a cold or flu and I don’t do any of that BS. I guess I must be lucky.
There are many factors that affect the immune system. There's not one single magic bullet. And yes, you just may be lucky.
nly cold showers I ever had was while in the navy when we had water issues. I don’t get sick very often either. I’ve found vegetables to help and drinking water helps a lot. Lots of vitamins, etc in vegetables I didn’t even know about
OMAD ii a great tool for many BUT "one size does NOT fit all. key to health is controlling insulin which is said to be related to ALL diseases! so depending on your size, activity lever + health goals just eat good real food NOT processed junk!! one look at people out in public will show you how WRONG many people are eating!!!