Oil for Rav 4

Nov 9, 2024
Hello Everybody, I have a 2022 Rav 4 with the 2.5 L engine in it that I purchase pre-owned from Toyota dealership.I keep a vehicle a long time,so I drive it to the wheels fall off,Lol so to speak.The guy at the dealership said to used 0-16 motor oil and to change it every 10,000 Miles.To me that is some thin oil and to go 10,000 miles between oil changes .He show me on oil cap and it does say 0-16 weight and he said if you used anything else it would void the warranty.Right now it's got 25,133 miles on it .They change it every 10,000 miles. To my thinking that is stretching it .When the warranty runs out would you go to a thicker oil for protection of the engine? I don't want it to go to using oil later .What do you guys recommend?
I am going to use the 0W16 that is recommended by the factory in my 2024 Rav 4 XSE AWD hybrid that my wife and I bought brand new. I had one oil change done at 10,000 miles and the oil looked really clean yet. I have one free oil and filter change and will do it myself when the free one is completed next year. I believe the vehicle will last a long time and will continue reading articles such as this and maybe change to something different but for right now the 0W16 is what I plan on using.
I'm using -30 in a 2012 RAV4 with the 2. with excellent results at 6k OCI. I'm not you but I wouldn't use a 16 weight oil in your 2022 2.5. I would likely use a 5-20 and a reasonable OCI with a quality filter.
I would be using a OEM filter.I would go with an oil at Walmarts. Thanks Biscut
Hello Everybody, I have a 2022 Rav 4 with the 2.5 L engine in it that I purchase pre-owned from Toyota dealership.I keep a vehicle a long time,so I drive it to the wheels fall off,Lol so to speak.The guy at the dealership said to used 0-16 motor oil and to change it every 10,000 Miles.To me that is some thin oil and to go 10,000 miles between oil changes .He show me on oil cap and it does say 0-16 weight and he said if you used anything else it would void the warranty.Right now it's got 25,133 miles on it .They change it every 10,000 miles. To my thinking that is stretching it .When the warranty runs out would you go to a thicker oil for protection of the engine? I don't want it to go to using oil later .What do you guys recommend?
Is your used vehicle warranty different than a Toyota new vehicle warranty. Do you know the specifics?

Also, how does the Owners Manual read? Does it only allow you 0w16?
Does the Manual state 0w16 'required" or 0w16 'recommended'?

If you are unsure, change the 0w16 oil every 5k. You can leave the filter on for 10k service. Save all store receipts and make sure the receipt outlines what you purchased, along with the date.
I am going to use the 0W16 that is recommended by the factory in my 2024 Rav 4 XSE AWD hybrid that my wife and I bought brand new. I had one oil change done at 10,000 miles and the oil looked really clean yet. I have one free oil and filter change and will do it myself when the free one is completed next year. I believe the vehicle will last a long time and will continue reading articles such as this and maybe change to something different but for right now the 0W16 is what I plan on using.
Yea I understand what you are saying,thanks
Is your used vehicle warranty different than a Toyota new vehicle warranty. Do you know the specifics?

Also, how does the Owners Manual read? Does it only allow you 0w16?
Does the Manual state 0w16 'required" or 0w16 'recommended'?

If you are unsure, change the 0w16 oil every 5k. You can leave the filter on for 10k service. Save all store receipts.
I have a 12 month warranty from bumper to bumper ,because it's a certifies pre own vehicle .I will have to check the manual about the oil weight to see if it says required or recommended. Thank Triple Se7en
What are your driving conditions ? This is the biggest determining factor. Not a word of it mentioned yet.
My wife drives it the most and her work is about 8 miles one way thru city.She drives it normal.She doesn't drive it like a race car,Lol so to speak.She takes care of it.Thanks DR
Stay with the 0W16 until the warranty is over and then use whatever you want and helps you sleep at night.
I believe that your owners manual allows for 0W20 but the recommendation is to change back to 0W16 on the next oil change.

Most of us believe that the 0W16(and 0W8 in other Toyota models) and 10K mile services is for fuel economy and to show a lower owner maintenance & cost but, who are we to question Toyotas recommendation/requirements.

10,000 mile oil change intervals(OCI) is way to long in the opinions/experience of Toyota tech’s and the techs of other manufacturers vehicles as well. Most techs who have torn apart the engines of those who have only performed 10K mile OCI will show & tell us why 10K is too long between OCI services, especially if we want to drive a vehicle “till the wheels fall off”. Most techs say to cut that 10K in half to about 5K. I mean, I do about 6K-ish myself.

Can we do an occasional 10K mile OCI?
Sure, under the right conditions!
Such as:
*More highway driving than city driving
*Little/less stop & go/slow & go driving
*Less idling
*Warm weather seasons/climate
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'23 Camry owner with the same engine here. I run 0w20 and change it every 6 months, which is usually 3K max miles. Car sees a lot of short tripping. I would stick to a 5K OCI, but that's up to you. I seriously doubt there's any warranty concerns over using 0w20, but 0w16 is just fine. The 10K recommendation is what concerns me, but that's a personal preference.
Hello Everybody, I have a 2022 Rav 4 with the 2.5 L engine in it that I purchase pre-owned from Toyota dealership.I keep a vehicle a long time,so I drive it to the wheels fall off,Lol so to speak.The guy at the dealership said to used 0-16 motor oil and to change it every 10,000 Miles.To me that is some thin oil and to go 10,000 miles between oil changes .He show me on oil cap and it does say 0-16 weight and he said if you used anything else it would void the warranty.Right now it's got 25,133 miles on it .They change it every 10,000 miles. To my thinking that is stretching it .When the warranty runs out would you go to a thicker oil for protection of the engine? I don't want it to go to using oil later .What do you guys recommend?
There’s no issues at all using a 20 grade or heavier. The guy at the dealership, as is usually par for the course, doesn’t know jack about the law or reality.

If this engine is prone to ring issues, one of the best shelf stock oils you could use is M1 FS 0w40.
Hello Everybody, I have a 2022 Rav 4 with the 2.5 L engine in it that I purchase pre-owned from Toyota dealership.I keep a vehicle a long time,so I drive it to the wheels fall off,Lol so to speak.The guy at the dealership said to used 0-16 motor oil and to change it every 10,000 Miles.To me that is some thin oil and to go 10,000 miles between oil changes .He show me on oil cap and it does say 0-16 weight and he said if you used anything else it would void the warranty.Right now it's got 25,133 miles on it .They change it every 10,000 miles. To my thinking that is stretching it .When the warranty runs out would you go to a thicker oil for protection of the engine? I don't want it to go to using oil later .What do you guys recommend?

I am going to use the 0W16 that is recommended by the factory in my 2024 Rav 4 XSE AWD hybrid that my wife and I bought brand new. I had one oil change done at 10,000 miles and the oil looked really clean yet. I have one free oil and filter change and will do it myself when the free one is completed next year. I believe the vehicle will last a long time and will continue reading articles such as this and maybe change to something different but for right now the 0W16 is what I plan on using.

0W16 (only) is "recommended" by Toyota US not the factory.

2024 Rav4 real manual.

My RAV4 sees all highway driving so it gets its oil changed every 10k miles. My Camry follows the same schedule and both use 0w20. I'm not stocking two different oils and 0w16 isn't always in stock at my Walmart or Costco.