Hello all! I'm new here, but I've been lurking for a little while now. I was kinda hoping you oil nuts could give me a recomendation for the oil in my girlfriend's 95 850 with the 2.4 NA 5 cylinder. It has 180,000, and has been using large amounts of oil (about a quart every 500-600 miles!!
). It doesn't smoke at all, ever, and yet there doesn't seem to be a leak anywhere, I've left cardboard underneath it overnight a few times, and no drips. So, given the situation, what would you recomend? I've been using just Castrol GTX 10-30 or 10-40 right now, depending on weather. Do you think I should step it up to a 50w? Is there anything I can do to slow this consumption as well? The car runs like a champ other than the mystery oil problem...
Thanks all!

Thanks all!