Oil choice for Suzuki Vitara 1.6

A5/B5 is full Saps but Low HTHS, A3/B4 is full saps and high HTHS.
Thanks all for the comments. It seems like a 5w30 A3/B4 might be the way to go for year round use then. A3/B4 oils are readily available here and are quite cheap.
Mannol does one called Mannol Energy 5w30 which is only £17 for 5L. The spec for it says A3/B4 SN/CH-4. I've used their oil in my motorcycles for years as it gives some of the smoothest shift feel of any oil I've tried. Will give that a go.
Thanks all for the comments. It seems like a 5w30 A3/B4 might be the way to go for year round use then. A3/B4 oils are readily available here and are quite cheap.
Mannol does one called Mannol Energy 5w30 which is only £17 for 5L. The spec for it says A3/B4 SN/CH-4. I've used their oil in my motorcycles for years as it gives some of the smoothest shift feel of any oil I've tried. Will give that a go.
I would try Castrol Magnatec 5W30 A3/B4 , Mannol is not a bad brand, but i've seen some analysis of their oils and some are ok, but others seem to have a relatively poor additive package, and almost none of their oils carry official approvals, just "Meets requirements of X ,Y Z, or recommended for X,Y,Z"

Whereas Castrol actually has Approvals :

OilSynthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE5W-30
Packing TypeBottle
Capacity [litre]5
SAE viscosity class5W-30
Manufacturer ApprovalMB 226.5
Manufacturer ApprovalMB 229.5
Manufacturer ApprovalRenault RN 0700
Manufacturer ApprovalRenault RN 0710
Manufacturer ApprovalVW 502 00 / 505 00
Manufacturer ApprovalMB 229.3
SpecificationACEA Light Duty A3/B
SpecificationAPI Gasoline SL
Thanks all for the comments. It seems like a 5w30 A3/B4 might be the way to go for year round use then. A3/B4 oils are readily available here and are quite cheap.
Mannol does one called Mannol Energy 5w30 which is only £17 for 5L. The spec for it says A3/B4 SN/CH-4. I've used their oil in my motorcycles for years as it gives some of the smoothest shift feel of any oil I've tried. Will give that a go.

Sounds like a good choice. Use what fits the purpose and it readily available to you. Best of luck!
A full synthetic 5W30
- on the thin side would be API SP and GF-6 and maybe something like Dexos1-Gen3 or A5/B5
- on the thick side would be API SL or SN or SP with A3/B4 and maybe something like MB 229.5

I also agree that a 5W30 C3 should work fine, but it's not listed for some reason. But if the ACEA C3 oil also carries API SN or SP, then it would technically meet the requirements.
Thanks again all. I ended up going with Castrol Magnatec 5w30 A3/B4. As FCD mentions above, most 5w30 A3/B4 oils don't have manufacturer approvals, only recommendations. I was unaware of this. I thought they were both the same thing.
There was one other oil which had manufacturer approvals, and that was Valvoline Synpower. But that only comes in 4L tubs, and I can only find one place that sells the A3/B4 stuff, which is a bit strange. So I went with the Castrol.