Oh, Canada

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Men and women of all ages could be seen running down the street clutching TVs, cigarette cartons and slabs of meat.

It's obvious what the people need. There should be a government program to provide them.
Originally Posted By: wavinwayne
What's wrong with you guys lately!?

Too much welfare and a very forgiving legal system.
Story reminds me when I worked at Chrysler in Windsor, ON in '67. I was working the aft. shift and we would go to the parking garage uptown Windsor after the shift and watch the Detroit riot. Amazing !! Soldiers, gunfire, raging fires.....

What's happening in Montreal and Toronto etc. shows that we are about 2 generations behind you in crime and drugs et al.
Doesn't the future look bright?
Originally Posted By: Papa Bear
Story reminds me when I worked at Chrysler in Windsor, ON in '67. I was working the aft. shift and we would go to the parking garage uptown Windsor after the shift and watch the Detroit riot. Amazing !! Soldiers, gunfire, raging fires.....

What's happening in Montreal and Toronto etc. shows that we are about 2 generations behind you in crime and drugs et al.

Wouldn't the Windsor Ballet been a better use of your time? Or is Windsor Ballet just a Michigander term.
When I was a young 19 year old man there was nothing better than crossing through that tunnel on a Friday night knowing what delights awaited me "down by the river".
Originally Posted By: Tempest

It's obvious what the people need. There should be a government program to provide them.

Early Monday morning, heavily armed Quebec provincial police officers

Heavily armed with what? Batons and pepper spray?
Originally Posted By: Aldaris
Early Monday morning, heavily armed Quebec provincial police officers

Heavily armed with what? Batons and pepper spray?

Deodorant and Nair®
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Originally Posted By: Aldaris
Early Monday morning, heavily armed Quebec provincial police officers

Heavily armed with what? Batons and pepper spray?

Deodorant and Nair®

Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Doesn't the future look bright?

The world is pandemic with insanity. There are just way too many idjits now and theyre breeding so just imagine what the future world will hold when their kids run amok.

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