
Agree, the majority;
Sad part is the others have to pay higher health insurance costs because of it. There are no options and current law I do not think allows health insurance for those that weigh their proper BMI weight have Lipid panels showing correct cholesterol in their blood, ect.

Americans complain about health care costs. Well, then
1. Dont eat fast food, dont eat fried food, dont eat any snack food, do not eat anything more than two meals a day, no snacks, dont drink soda of any kind, dont drink fruit juices of all kinds, in fact dont drink anything except water, coffee or tea. Dont eat any bread unless it's whole wheat.

2. Do cook your own meals, lean meats only, fish at least 3 times a week, vegetables, and very little starches (potatoes)
If you go out to dinner, an example that I do is BoneFish Grill, only grilled fish and if a steak, 6 oz with shrimp.
Even Texas Road House you can have a decent meal and skip those delicious rolls. :eek:)
Do eat a yogurt or frozen yogurt for a desert at night if you must and two pieces of fruit, even 3 pieces (to start) a day. Apples, Oranges, Bananas, anything fruit.
3. If you weight more then the BMI scale says you should then you are doing something wrong. Because two meals a day with no snacks should maintain your weight. I actually only eat dinner and very light lunch. Banana, a few nuts, water, if I go to the gym I reward myself with a small box drink Orgien, Clean Protein.

We are full of excuses in the USA, drives me NuTs at the long insane lines outside of ChickFil la EVERY SINGLE DAY of the week.
Every other fast food place, every evening cars are lined up like ducks at the drive up windows, it IS INSANE. None of this so called food has any value and people pay through the nose for the junk and we even the healthy eaters pay the health care costs for it.
Never mind the death and destruction of the families themselves.
There are no healthy foods in fast food places. Maybe better said 95% of the people who buy food there are eating unhealthy.
We really do have a problem in this country, all we do is complain but so many unwilling to do what they know is right.

I think the only way society can change this is financially. Health insurance cost should care an additional premium for each percentage over your maximum weight as determined by the BMI.
What is raising health care costs to unaffordable levels, are MILLIONS of illegal invaders and uninsured minorities flooding our nations hospitals and emergency rooms.

Not unhealthy diets. I'm not saying it isn't causing health issues. But it's a drop in the bucket in comparison.
Not all of us.

Laziness and lack of self control. Some have medical problems the vast majority don't.
I was morbidly obese as a young adult and I knew it. I did not need anyone to tell me and I wasn't lazy. I accomplished more academically and personally as a morbidly obese young adult in my 20's than most people accomplish in their life times. That was a phase were I spent 12-18 hours per day 7 days per week x 11 years working on my education/training to the exclusion of my health. My father passed away suddenly, my mother was destitute, I was homeless during the time between college and dental school and most people are clinically depressed during training. When I was finished with my education that gave me time to work on my health. Now I'm pretty jacked and educated but at no point have I been "lazy".

I don't walk around looking at less educated people calling them out as being lazy and asking why they aren't making as much or contributing as much to society/pulling their own weight but I guess I could based on how people view obesity. For some reason people think they have some right to chime in on other people's lives. Life is messy and complex and people have their reasons and those reasons aren't really anyone else's business.
How many of you holier-than-thou skinny folks have a problem with eating these tiny, basic, "healthy" meals, don't sit around and NOT lose weight? How many of you who don't fit the Govco's BMI chart have bones about twice the size of your "normal" person?

I was 5'10" and 180 lbs at 17-18. I was running 2+ miles a day, working out heavily with weights, going to high school and working at a grocery store. I ate like some super model. Mostly lettuce, shredded cheese, onion and Italian dressing, some meat and some fruits.

I looked like I weighed about 140 lbs (or like guys my height who weighed 140), and could barely keep weight off.
"Fat Shaming". Something else they can whine about.
So if you're ugly I can ugly shame you? But you can't control how ugly you are right? Sure you can! What if it's because you have a stupid haircut or beard or because you dress like a homeless person or whatever. What business is it of mine that you're ugly? What business it of mine that you don't measure up to my standards? But somehow someone being fat is your business?

Can I go around shaming people who are less successful? Less educated? Make less money? Have never traveled? Those were all just choices right and I think indications of their laziness, lack of good decision making, and lack of discipline. What about the burden these people place on me and society because they don't contribute what I think is their fair share in taxes? The answer is none of those things are my business just like someone being is fat is none of yours.
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So if you're ugly I can ugly shame you? But you can't control how ugly you are right? Sure you can! What if it's because you have a stupid haircut or beard or because you dress like a homeless person or whatever. What business is it of mine that you're ugly? What business it of mine that you don't measure up to my standards? But somehow someone being fat is your business?

Can I go around shaming people who are less successful? Less educated? Make less money? Have never traveled? Those were all just choices right and I think indications of their laziness, lack of good decision making, and lack of discipline. What about the burden these people place on me and society because they don't contribute what I think is their fair share in taxes? The answer is none of those things are my business just like someone being is fat is none of yours.
So how are fat people, "shamed"? By being called fat?
So how are fat people, "shamed"? By being called fat?
The same way most people would object to me walking up to you and saying, "Hey ugly". It might be true but it's still not nice to look you in the eye and say it. What does it accomplish? You know you're ugly.
In case of the fast food, you pay for it with possible lower health status and higher medical expenses in the future.
Yes, and society as a whole pays dearly for it in increased healthcare premiums.
I’m waiting for some state, like California to get the ball rolling in banning the commercial sale of fried food and food with a certain percentage of fat content above an allowable limit. Also, a limit on drinks of any kind to 12 ounces except for water.
I don’t agree with anything that state does, but I would agree with this.
About 6 months ago I pretty much stopped actively eating bread, pasta, chips, cookies, ice cream candy. Plus I don’t buy eggs, milk or butter anyway. Basically trying to cut carbs. Dropped about 10% of my weight in this time. Most fast food places are sandwich based so its hard to eat low carb. Once or twice a month I’ll get something like a RR bacon cheeseburger combo, so I’m not fanatical. Had chicken Parmesan last night with salad. Most wouldn’t eat that without spaghetti and garlic bread, but I have adjusted.
The same way most people would object to me walking up to you and saying, "Hey ugly". It might be true but it's still not nice to look you in the eye and say it. What does it accomplish? You know you're ugly.
If a person is 6' 4" 175 lbs. they're called "tall"..... Because they are.

If that same person is 6' 4" 475 lbs. they're called "fat"..... Because they are. Everything else is whining.
How many of you holier-than-thou skinny folks have a problem with eating these tiny, basic, "healthy" meals, don't sit around and NOT lose weight? How many of you who don't fit the Govco's BMI chart have bones about twice the size of your "normal" person?

I was 5'10" and 180 lbs at 17-18. I was running 2+ miles a day, working out heavily with weights, going to high school and working at a grocery store. I ate like some super model. Mostly lettuce, shredded cheese, onion and Italian dressing, some meat and some fruits.

I looked like I weighed about 140 lbs (or like guys my height who weighed 140), and could barely keep weight off.
Genetics is a pain. Oh and never go by BMI. It's a rather useless tool for people who carry muscle mass and/or have large bone structure.
About 6 months ago I pretty much stopped actively eating bread, pasta, chips, cookies, ice cream candy. Plus I don’t buy eggs, milk or butter anyway. Basically trying to cut carbs. Dropped about 10% of my weight in this time. Most fast food places are sandwich based so its hard to eat low carb. Once or twice a month I’ll get something like a RR bacon cheeseburger combo, so I’m not fanatical. Had chicken Parmesan last night with salad. Most wouldn’t eat that without spaghetti and garlic bread, but I have adjusted.
Well just remember up until 6 months ago you were lazy and bilt460 had to right to call you fatty as a public service announcement.

P.S. - Nice work - the struggle is real.
If a person is 6' 4" 175 lbs. they're called "tall"..... Because they are.

If that same person is 6' 4" 475 lbs. they're called "fat"..... Because they are. Everything else is whining.
Cool...we should all go around telling people to their faces they're poor, dumb, uneducated, ugly, speak like an idiot, write like an idiot, etc, etc, etc, etc...because it's true and because that's no different than telling someone they're wealthy, smart, educated, well-spoken, write-well, etc, etc. Certain things have negative connotations and certain things have positive. Being tall is positive and being fat is not. It still doesn't make it YOUR business.
So how are fat people, "shamed"? By being called fat?
I wasn’t shamed it was the Truth! I was told I was fat by my foot doctor when I had to see him about my feet. said it plain and simple if you weren’t so fat many of these problems go away by themselves I didn’t go curl up and cry in a corner I used it and knew the problem dropped near 100 lbs and I’m better for him saying it.
I always had an excuse not getting it done and now that’s all I hear from people excuses why they are out of shape can’t take care of themselves at a minimum and we as people go along say yes it’s not your fault when it should be the opposite.
The answer is none of those things are my business just like someone being is fat is none of yours.
When bad habits effect insurance rates and availability, it is, by definition, the business of others.
Drunk drivers' habits effect others and are other people's business.

A population of wallowing swine devolving into grotesque freaks is the business or others.
"Heroically" catching people at the tail end of lifetimes of stupid, self-destructive behavior is unfair to those paying the bills.
We chuck drunk drivers off the insured rolls, don't we?
Fat people should be turned into soap.