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Balmy -32C here this AM (-25.6F for my American friends):
Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 9.09.04 AM.jpg

Gave that Ravenol a workout! (drove the kids to school) as we got close to the CCS temp :)

Jeep fired right up (so did the truck) with no struggle, however the brakes were frozen solid on the Jeep from me being out in it the other day in the deep snow and then it warming up briefly yesterday, so it took a bit of effort to break it free and then I had some thump thump thump until I wore the ice off the rotors, lol.
When I was a crew chief on B-52's, stationed in Thailand. We would often do engine maintenance trims at night.
The Thai security guards would enjoy setting down behind the aircraft and dozing off in the warm exhaust about 50 ft. or so back.
During the trim process we would be required to run the engines up to full throttle.
The sign to the guards to move out of the way was to blip the throttle up and down a couple of times.
Sometimes they would be in a deep sleep and not move. No problem, just do your trim run anyway. Kind of looked like that.
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