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Saw this beauty on IG today:
Here’s dad’s 1970 work in progress with ol red in the background. Technically this is the correct orange from the factory. I do like the above color a tad better though. (He wouldn’t appreciate me saying this. Lol)

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Here’s dad’s 1970 work in progress with ol red in the background. Technically this is the correct orange from the factory. I do like the above color a tad better though. (He wouldn’t appreciate me saying this. Lol)View attachment 85486
I love those old Z cars. I believe the last time I saw one out in the wild was twenty-some years ago driving through an Albertson's parking lot in Mesa, AZ.
I love those old Z cars. I believe the last time I saw one out in the wild was twenty-some years ago driving through an Albertson's parking lot in Mesa, AZ.
Dad had 2 of them as a kid. I’m guessing it was the late 70s or so. His first one was so rusty then that it should have been totaled. Lol

His red one is from California and the orange one is from Texas, which helped rust wise.
tv is full of 💩 these days.
so i built paludarium (2m old now), to calm down.
the product (video)
droseras, utricularias, genlinsea, cephalotus, heliamphora happy sitting together.
and few more exciting stuff on their way. i glued cork panels to glass, looks better now.

100w white led 4000k exteror lamp, nothing special. 15-40 000lux, that´s good.
some leafs changed color, that´s "sunburn".

funny how dying leaf touching the ground made new tiny plant with roots.
utricularia australis--"bottle bristle" is growing crazy fast. it was shipped as 1/2" furry peas... now forearm size.:LOL:

amazing photos from "tepuis" - heliamphora´s home

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