No more Fram at Wall-Mart??

Jul 14, 2020
I went to a car show yesterday, and the local AAP store (not my town) had a booth there with bunch of cut open oil filters on display. I looked at the Fram, and noticed that the titanium model, which is the same as the Ultra, still had t he old construction. He told me that AAP now owns Fram, and that the ONLY place that will have Fram filters is at AAP. as all other store can no longer have them. I asked him the approximate prices, and If what he said is true, I guess I will have to switch brands of filter. Does anyone know if that is true????
The cut open filter that they call the drive, the same as the extra guard, as having metal end caps.
He told me that AAP now owns Fram
Seems he stretched that Fram offers AAP an exclusive filter range + Fram-branded oil into "ownership".

the ONLY place that will have Fram filters is at AAP. as all other store can no longer have them.
My local WM has dozens and dozens of oil, air, and cabin filters from Fram on the shelf. Local Meijer (a large, regional competitor to WM) has Fram filters on the shelf. Autozone has Fram on the shelf.
I don't see anything online to suggest a Fram acquisition by AAP. I know that First Brands (formerly Trico) purchased Fram.

It was my understanding that Fram entered into an agreement with AAP that allowed for them to carry some filters (some of which would have unique branding to AAP), and that Fram would allow the brand to be used on AAP's "house" oil.

I find it hard to believe that Fram/Trico would limit distribution to one retailer, but others on this forum with more knowledge may prove me wrong...

I can't speak to any decision around Fram not being carried at Wal Mart.
Probably baloney. Sales rep is just pumping the product by making it seem exclusive to aap or misunderstood a specific item being exclusive to aap as being owned by them.
That is kinda what I thought also. Next time I go to Wallys I will have to check to see what they have. AAPs prices are to steep for me. I am stocked for this year for filters though.
I'm guessing the guy at the booth is confusing regular Fram filters with the rebranded Fram AAP filters that are being sold exclusively at AAP.

I also wonder if this is a random guy they pulled from behind the counter at the local AAP, which would explain a lot.
I think you are right on both counts.
It is called "marketing".
True or not, that is the narrative that they tell them to say at the car show.

Here in my area, I only see Fram, Mobil filter with limited selection of Supertech at Wally.
When I opened the ST and Fram for cartridge filter for Toyota, they look exactly the same even with the marking.
Not sure with the can version, I don't have time to cut it and besides, they probably will not like me doing that. LOL!!!
I went to a car show yesterday, and the local AAP store (not my town) had a booth there with bunch of cut open oil filters on display. I looked at the Fram, and noticed that the titanium model, which is the same as the Ultra, still had t he old construction. He told me that AAP now owns Fram, and that the ONLY place that will have Fram filters is at AAP. as all other store can no longer have them.
:ROFLMAO: ... that's new one. Sounds like a typical "salesman" in an AAP booth.
I find it hard to believe that Fram/Trico would limit distribution to one retailer, but others on this forum with more knowledge may prove me wrong...
The Fram "Titanium", "Force" and "Drive" filters are only sold at AAP because they have an agreement with Fram to make them with a few different aspects, and name them as "Titanium", "Force" and "Drive".

Fram's website shows the AAP Titanium to still have wire backed synthetic media, but the Fram website now shows the wire screen backing to be gone on the Ultra ... as we know is the case.

Are the Titaniums really still being built like the old Ultras?


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I'm service manager for a Walmart ACC, no mention of frams coming off the shelf. I can't imagine Wally finding another supplier for the 50 or so Fram Cores we install daily.
A few years back (before Tenneco purchased Federal-Mogul Motorparts), an employee at an O'Reilly's tried really hard to convince me that all of the auto parts sold in the USA were manufactured by Federal-Mougal, and that the various companies like Wix, Dana-Spicer, Delphi, etc., were all owned by Federal-Mougal. Hence, I take the advice offered by most chain auto part stores employees with a grain of salt.
Fram Group, before the Trico merger had an licensing deal to let AAP use the Fram brand for oil and fluids.

You can still find Fram filters at Walmart, AFAIK.