New old mower

Apr 7, 2008
Well my old 1987 Toro mower was on its last leg so I started shopping for a new mower. I was not really impressed with what I found in the marketplace and most of the the quality machines were $500+.
Then I found this 200 dollar dinosaur on Craigslist. Its a Kee and is built like a tank and I have no idea how old it is but the 5 hp Briggs runs great.


Originally Posted By: Johnny
Holy cow! How much does that thing weigh? That's a pretty neat find.

I'm pretty sure that the deck is aluminum as well as the gears that drive the rear wheels. It's not as heavy as it looks.
That thing's got more belts than a fat dude convention! It really is a piece of mechanical artwork. Love it!
Give them $100 for it and start a museum. What a sweet machine. My stupid Craftsman mower from 2004 just blew out the front wheel tread. The left rear wheel needs replacing AGAIN. Please buy this and sell it to me.
You ought to keep an eye out for a used 5hp to keep around in case that one ever needs replacing. It would be a shame to lose such a machine over something as simple as an engine.
Originally Posted By: bullwinkle
Love those open, unguarded V-belts-that's old-school pre-lawsuit design if I ever saw it!!

Yeah how about it right? Now if some one pinches a finger(even though its their own friggin fault)their on the phone with a lawyer.What the [censored] happened to society???
Thanks for the replies. You guys seem to like this old mower almost as much as I do! Here are a few more shots at different angles that I took this morning.

Now, what oil should I use? Hhmmm...





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I don't think she is as old as everyone is thinking. Looking at the tires, the muffler, etc, it looks to be in great shape, and also pretty new to me ( maybe 5 years old or so with very little use)
Looks good! I love those particular Horizontal shaft 5HP Briggs. Those were some of the cream-of-the-crop B&S engines. I think stick with Q-HP 30W and run with it.
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
looks like the girl in blue is about to be a couple toes short of a full set.

I have a niece that lost a big toe to a Murray rider. She was running to tell her father something while he was mowing (bad idea), and she slipped on the freshly cut moist grass. Her foot slid under the deck.