New Fram 9018

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Jan 31, 2006
High Desert, California
Anyone seen the new Fram 9018 oil filters? I've posted pictures of the old Fram 9018 (made in Korea?) in the past but: A few days ago I thought I'd take another look while at Wal-Mart because the price jumped from $5 to $7 for the Fram 9018 filters. The new Fram 9018 is Made in USA !!! - looks like a Wix or a Champion... The media is white'ish and it looks like an excellent filter! Anyone notice this?

I'll post pictures later if I can get Yahoo's Photobook to work.
Last I looked it was $12 at Wally's. I picked up a couple of L 15436's at Pep Boys' for $2.47 each, made in USA.
I cringed at Fram's prices at WallyWorld when I had my '05 saturn before it was totalled; since most places in my area had them for more than $4.00, I just bought the OEM's for around $6.50 since they packed in the most pleats; the earlier versions even had zig-zag folds in the pleats to maximize media surface area

I liked having the option to inspect the media in the 9018's and their equivalents; the only other one that I seen that was very close to OEM was sold by Federated Auto Parts chain and it was made by Hastings (cost was near $10, but they also included new O-rings)
Yeah - why are our cartridge filters more expensive than the metal can ones that are obviously heavier and most likely more expensive to make? Way too expensive
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