'New' Air Compressor Technology

Jun 12, 2004
Athens, GA

No oil, extremely low noise. Looks to be interesting at least. Something new to talk about.

Very innovative, but maybe expensive.
Ohh, I have no doubt about that. I'm sure there will be maintenance issues as well.

Surely they'll use something other than water. Something that has some bacteriostatic properties or at least an additive to keep the funk down.
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Thought that was pretty cool. Someone built a large-scale version of it back in 1910.

~120 psi at god knows what volume.
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Why do you need a heat exchanger if it is isothermal? (impossible)

Very lacking on the the details. No "meat on the bones"
Agree no details.

I take the isothermal to mean it keeps temp constant. I think if it doesn't exchange heat it would be adiabatic. I could be wrong, been a while since school 😀
Very cool. I'd like to see how the spinny bits work and know what type of water is required. City water? RO/DI water?

If you want quiet. Check my thread on the Kobalt Quiet Tech, or any of the California air tools clones.