Need to migrate from MyKi in hurry

Jul 22, 2005
I have been essentially using this as secure note pad to keep various pieces of personal and confidential data using its password and secure notes feature on my phone and desktop without having to rely on keeping that data somewhere in the cloud. I liked the MyKi principle of having it stored locally only and NOT worrying about somebody hacking the cloud storage. Unfortunately, somebody purchased MyKi just to kill them.
Having burnt by this experience, I am wondering if there is something which will NOT have similar issue in the feature. This means using the stuff only from Apple/Google/Microsoft and/or well supported Open Source project. KeePass sort of fits the bill although it might be overkill. I do understand that it is going to be painful to port the existing database out of MyKi to another application which will support both iOS and Windows. I prefer not to have a paid application if I can help it.
PostIt notes!

Seriously, anybody has experience with KeePass? Or may be just use notes and mark entries as locked. I will be pain to have so many entries in the notes but it will work. Of course making those entries by hand is going to be humongous pain.
Apple Notes is basic but you can secure notes you place there. On a iPhone you would need FaceID or TouchID to get to them. You can keep them local as well.
Apple Notes is the only true cross platform for my environment as most of the real cloud providers or dropbox like services are banned on my work laptop. I am actually surprised that Web interface iCloud is NOT blocked and that allows Notes password protected entries to meet the need of not needing any manual synch.
Does anybody know if a file on iCloud could be accessed (for modification) from WebDAV within an Windows application which claims to take URL for file location?