need help choosing small concealed carry pistol

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Originally Posted By: billt460
Originally Posted By: hatt
What kind of violations are you being stopped for?

It doesn't matter. If you are carrying a gun, along with a permit, (assuming your state requires it), it's simple information the cop is going to feel better about knowing than not. He doesn't know you or your intentions. If you inform him, (before he finds out on his own), it lessens any tension that might exist. Put yourself in the cops position, especially today. Information along with compliance will only serve to work in your favor. Why your being stopped has nothing to do with the cop stopping you from knowing you're armed.
It may make some/most cops feel better. It makes some cops nervous. And they're the problem. I won't be informing. But you do what you want. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. I know several cops. They don't typical ask nor care if citizens don't inform about guns. They're worried about criminals. Seems you know different sorts of cops.
Originally Posted By: billt460
In many states, (Alaska, California, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, and Texas... Along with several others). You are required BY LAW to inform you are armed after initial contact. Regardless if you are asked or not.
Ain't talking bout those. FL is not a duty to inform. TX is a minor ticket or some such thing if it was found out. I wouldn't inform there either.
Originally Posted By: billt460
Originally Posted By: hatt
They're worried about criminals.

And when they approach your vehicle, how do they know you're not one??
Because of years of experience?
Originally Posted By: KCJeep
The SCCY's are interesting but that trigger is so awful I didn't buy one. But I am an admitted trigger snob.

What's wrong with the trigger? Like all guns, you pull it back, and it goes bang. Seems uncomplicated.

I have the earlier model SCCY CXP-1, with the funky safety. Shot it for the first time at my CC qualification. It's at our second house, so I haven't shot it in years, but I don't recall anything unusual about the trigger. I do recall it kicks like a mule and you need a firm grip on it, lest the safety might accidentally be engaged, but that's not that big a deal. I don't like double stacks for pocket carry, so I likely carried it to the lake, and just left it there.

I guess I'm not a trigger ( or gun ) snob.
Here's the deal. No one likes to answer questions, or submit to authority. And the younger and more arrogant and packed full of attitude you are, the worse it becomes. If you look at all of these nit wits that have been killed by police over the last several months, the fact remains they all were killed because they refused to comply with police commands. First, there was the guy who was selling watches, or whatever on the sidewalk in New York. He resisted from the get go, and ended up dying. Then there was Michael Brown in Ferguson. Next was the guy in Baton Rouge. And then there was the guy in Minnesota who's girlfriend videoed him being shot to death. And I'm probably forgetting a dozen more. Every one of them was killed directly due to lack of compliance of police commands.

When a Cop has his weapon leveled at you, and commands you to, DO NOT MOVE! And you move like the Minnesota idiot did, it isn't going to end well. Baton Rouge ended the same way. If you're stupid enough to try and fight it out with a cop by struggling with him on a sidewalk, is it really a that big of a mystery why these people continue to be shot full of holes by cops? All of these people did not want to submit to police authority. Now they're all dead because of it, one way or another.

The fact of the matter is the cops have the authority, and you don't. They will either ask questions, and or give commands. You will then be forced to comply or resist their questions or commands. It really is as simple as that. If you refuse or resist, you are going to be on the receiving end of a lot of problems and trouble, if not much worse.

Now, fast forward to what we're discussing. With tensions so high, my attitude is simply to do everything possible to end the contact as graciously as possible. By providing any and all the information I can to assure that outcome. If, after that it doesn't, there is nothing on me that I could have done to make it so. It's just common sense. It has nothing to do with, "liking it". Or "being a sheeple". My guess is this is all going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. If it ever does. All these hate filled, anti cop groups are just fanning the flames. And they will all ultimately lose. And lose big time. If there was ever a time to be passive and nice to cops, now is that time. But if you feel differently, then refuse to give information and do what you want. If you think it will make you feel braver or better. Just don't complain when things go south in a hurry. I don't "fear" cops. But if I ever make contact with one, for whatever reason, I will say and do whatever I can to assure a pleasant outcome. Especially if I am armed.
Originally Posted By: Hokiefyd
It looks like roughly 2/3rds of the states require you to disclose if asked.

Relevant link

I know most of the local ones, and ( if I'm ) carrying, just tell them. I think of it as a professional courtesy. If I were a cop, I figure that's information I would want to know, so I'm up front about it. It's always been a non issue; I've never had a police officer suggest I disarm.

I don't doubt that different parts of the country could require a different practice.
Originally Posted By: billt460
Here's the deal. No one likes to answer questions, or submit to authority. And the younger and more arrogant and packed full of attitude you are, the worse it becomes. If you look at all of these nit wits that have been killed by police over the last several months, the fact remains they all were killed because they refused to comply with police commands. First, there was the guy who was selling watches, or whatever on the sidewalk in New York. He resisted from the get go, and ended up dying. Then there was Michael Brown in Ferguson. Next was the guy in Baton Rouge. And then there was the guy in Minnesota who's girlfriend videoed him being shot to death. And I'm probably forgetting a dozen more. Every one of them was killed directly due to lack of compliance of police commands.

When a Cop has his weapon leveled at you, and commands you to, DO NOT MOVE! And you move like the Minnesota idiot did, it isn't going to end well. Baton Rouge ended the same way. If you're stupid enough to try and fight it out with a cop by struggling with him on a sidewalk, is it really a that big of a mystery why these people continue to be shot full of holes by cops? All of these people did not want to submit to police authority. Now they're all dead because of it, one way or another.

The fact of the matter is the cops have the authority, and you don't. They will either ask questions, and or give commands. You will then be forced to comply or resist their questions or commands. It really is as simple as that. If you refuse or resist, you are going to be on the receiving end of a lot of problems and trouble, if not much worse.

Now, fast forward to what we're discussing. With tensions so high, my attitude is simply to do everything possible to end the contact as graciously as possible. By providing any and all the information I can to assure that outcome. If, after that it doesn't, there is nothing on me that I could have done to make it so. It's just common sense. It has nothing to do with, "liking it". Or "being a sheeple". My guess is this is all going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. If it ever does. All these hate filled, anti cop groups are just fanning the flames. And they will all ultimately lose. And lose big time. If there was ever a time to be passive and nice to cops, now is that time. But if you feel differently, then refuse to give information and do what you want. If you think it will make you feel braver or better. Just don't complain when things go south in a hurry. I don't "fear" cops. But if I ever make contact with one, for whatever reason, I will say and do whatever I can to assure a pleasant outcome. Especially if I am armed.

I've seen a take down by cops and it's not as simple as you described. They had their guns drawn at the guy, one cop was yelling "get down" another one was yelling "put your hands on your head" and there were others yelling different things. The guy was scared shetless, had his hands up in the air and didn't know what else to do. Thankfully he didn't get shot -- maybe because he was white. They pulled him down on scorching asphalt, he starts burning, they start yelling "don't resist" and start twisting his arms and kicking as he squirms from pain.

Nasty business. And these people were in civilian clothing, the uniformed ones joined in shortly.

How are untrained civilians supposed to stay calm when guns are pointed at them and conflicting things are yelled at them, and yet the police who are trained for situations like this easily panic and shoot the civilians.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
How are untrained civilians supposed to stay calm when guns are pointed at them and conflicting things are yelled at them, and yet the police who are trained for situations like this easily panic and shoot the civilians.

For starters by not escalating the situation, keeping quiet, and doing what you are told when you are told. I mean really, how hard is that? If you think there is conflicting information, remain motionless and silent. I'm not sure about all this so called, "conflicting information" you are talking about? Or police killing innocent civilians because they "panicked". I'm not saying it doesn't happen, or can't happen. But I doubt it's the reason ANY of the people were shot in the examples I gave. Or that have been plastered all over the news in recent weeks. All refused to comply. How many times does the command, "Stop Resisting!, or "Do not move!" have to be shouted at an individual?

The fact is all of these people CHOSE not to comply. And they were killed as a direct result of their actions. I can't believe people are still even discussing the Michael Brown case. This guy was a known thug. He kept advancing on a cop who told him to stop repeatedly. And if that wasn't enough, he tried to take the cops gun away. All of this was witnessed. Many by blacks. Same deal with Baton Rouge. This guy continued his wrestling match on the pavement with not one, but 2 armed police officers. Who all the time were screaming at him to stop resisting. When he did not, he was killed. Just what did this moron think was going to happen by getting physical with 2 armed police officers? These people all but define stupid.

Are there bad cops? Sure. But what are the odds of your life being ended by one? Especially if you give him complete compliance to his commands. And do so in the most polite respectable manner possible? I'd say you've got a better chance of getting struck by lightning, or winning the Powerball. When you look at the amount of traffic stops, along with all other encounters with armed law enforcement that occur daily. How many end in death? And of those, how many were directly the result of the people behaving stupidly, and ignoring direct commands from police? Now, how many are left?
TLDR, clearly not relevant to the subject matter being discussed. "The fact of the matter" is that informing police you are carrying is not required BY LAW in many places. End of story. If people following the law makes you uncomfortable, scared, offended, or any other odd sensation you shouldn't be a guy trying to deal with the public with a job enforcing laws.
Originally Posted By: hatt
"The fact of the matter" is that informing police you are carrying is not required BY LAW in many places.

Neither is acting with common sense. Fools are everywhere. It's how Darwin does his best work.
Originally Posted By: billt460
Originally Posted By: hatt
"The fact of the matter" is that informing police you are carrying is not required BY LAW in many places.

Neither is acting with common sense. Fools are everywhere. It's how Darwin does his best work.
Go on.
Originally Posted By: billt460

For starters by not escalating the situation, keeping quiet, and doing what you are told when you are told. I mean really, how hard is that? If you think there is conflicting information, remain motionless and silent.

When the cop yells at you to show your ID and then starts shooting because you were not motionless then the civilian has a problem. You can google the videos where this happens.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: billt460

For starters by not escalating the situation, keeping quiet, and doing what you are told when you are told. I mean really, how hard is that? If you think there is conflicting information, remain motionless and silent.

When the cop yells at you to show your ID and then starts shooting because you were not motionless then the civilian has a problem. You can google the videos where this happens.

Clearly the person was not reaching for their ID properly when instructed to produce their ID.
Originally Posted By: KCJeep
The SCCY's are interesting but that trigger is so awful I didn't buy one. But I am an admitted trigger snob.

Small and light 9mm guns are not intended for shooting hundreds of rounds at the range - they are for up close and personal self defense. At such a close range the trigger is not an issue. I find the trigger pull on the CPX-2 to be very smooth, and I prefer a DAO with no safety for carry. The other nice thing about the SCCY is the high capacity, 10+1, for a such a light gun. Very comfortable to carry in a belt paddle holster or a coat pocket. For pants pocket carry I like the .380 Ruger LCP Custom.
About 3 years ago I was driving to Evansville, Indiana to attend a Baptism from Wisconsin and I was pulled over for speeding. Before the trooper got out I had already put together my CCW permit(on top), license/registration, and insurance and placed it on the dash with both my hands on the steering wheel at 11 & 1 o clock. He asked if I knew why I was pulled over and I said most likely because I have a lead foot and he smiled. He took the documents from the dashboard and asked where my weapon was. I replied I have 2, one in the center console, and the other in my backpack on the floor of the front passenger side area. He said hang tight and I'll be back.

After 5 mins, or so with my hands still at the same position I see him walk over to my window and he said, "I am giving you a written warning this time around and just to let you know I am a staunch supporter of concealed carry BUT you need to have one of those weapons on your person. It aint no good in your backpack or in the center console." I said thank you officer after taking my documents back and we went on our way.

From that point on I never carried concealed off body like I usually did but instead had a primary compact or subcompact pistol on me and a larger framed pistol in my laptop bag or backpack.
Originally Posted By: hatt
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
Originally Posted By: billt460

For starters by not escalating the situation, keeping quiet, and doing what you are told when you are told. I mean really, how hard is that? If you think there is conflicting information, remain motionless and silent.

When the cop yells at you to show your ID and then starts shooting because you were not motionless then the civilian has a problem. You can google the videos where this happens.

Clearly the person was not reaching for their ID properly when instructed to produce their ID.


Gotta summon those Jedi powers for that.
Originally Posted By: GenSan
About 3 years ago I was driving to Evansville, Indiana to attend a Baptism from Wisconsin and I was pulled over for speeding. Before the trooper got out I had already put together my CCW permit(on top), license/registration, and insurance and placed it on the dash with both my hands on the steering wheel at 11 & 1 o clock.

It's amazing how much of all of this B.S. would be avoided if people did those simple things.
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