Mysterious planet-sized object spotted by Mercury!

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Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
It's where Donald Trump's ego physically exists.

I thought it was his hairstylist's hide out.
I am there right now, typing to you. I go there for approximately five days a month, when my wife is completely unbearable due to other phenomena. It seems I have ran out of Busch and Even Williams Green. Please send some. I will give you my Pep Boys ten dollar card upon my return.
Here is a link to the JPL/NASA stereo camera video.

Folks this looks like an honest to goodness star ship!

My theory is that we are possibly looking at human time travelers from our distant past or future, or possibly alien entities that are using quantum physics to travel through time and space.

Of course to us it looks like fantasy, but theoretically time travel is possible according to even OUR own understanding of physics at this time.
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Originally Posted By: 91344George
Folks this looks like an honest to goodness star ship!

You've got to have some pretty wild imagination to come to this conclusion based on this video.
Originally Posted By: 91344George

Folks this looks like an honest to goodness star ship!

Usually I'm fairly good with sarcasm, serious???
My theory is that we finally have found Nibiru, and the Annunaki are coming in 2012 like the Mayans predicted. This is why the book of Enoch is not in the bible.
Head NRL group scientist Russ Howard and lead ground systems engineer Nathan Rich say the mysterious object is in fact Mercury itself. And what we're seeing in the footage is the equivalent of Mercury's wake, "where the planet was on the previous day," as it travels through the solar system on its natural gravitational path:

To make the relatively faint glow of a coronal mass ejection stand out against the bright glare of space—caused by interplanetary dust and the stellar/galactic background—the NRL scientists must remove as much background light as possible. They explained that they determine what light is background light, and thus can be subtracted out, by calculating the average amount of light that entered each camera pixel on the day of the CME event and on the previous day. Light appearing in the pixels on both days is considered to be background light and is removed from the footage of the CME. The remaining light is then enhanced.

The analysts say the practice works even better when applied to far-off objects such as stars, which don't move much relative to the sun. But for moving objects, especially planets, the process is a little more complicated. And making matters even trickier is Mercury's staus as the closest planet to the sun.

"When [this averaging process] is done between the previous day and the current day and there is a feature like a planet, this introduces dark (negative) artifacts in the background where the planet was on the previous day, which then show up as bright areas in the enhanced image," Rich explained in an email.
This will certainly bring the Coast to Coast radio listening crackpots out of the woodwork with their tinfoil beanies perched atop their pointy heads.
Remember when they used to BURN people for claiming that the SUN was the center of the solar system? Or when people said they believed the earth was round? Hmmm?

Just think if our Space Shuttle came flying out of the sky back when man was living in caves, I wonder what they would have thought?

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