My Joes Tire Pressure gauge reads 3 psi high. Recommendations for a new one?

May 28, 2019

I have had a Joe's Racing 0-60 psi tire pressure gauge for about 5 or so years. Before I bought it I did a bit of research and it seemed to be one of the better ones on the market.

I just came from the tire shop and learned that my gauge reads 3psi high compared to the system that is used at Americas Tire / Discount Tire. The system I mean is the one where you set the pressure and it automatically stops when you get to the set pressure. Also when you first connect to it before it starts filling it displays the temperature. I think I will cross check by taking a trip to another tire shop and comparing.

Assuming my gauge does in fact read 3psi high I am looking for recommendations for a replacement. Should I purchase another?

I would like an analog dial non battery operated gauge. Another feature I like is the bleed off of vent button. This is very useful as I typically slightly overfill the tires and then bleed or vent them down to the desired pressure.

true I am on my way to costco now to compare... I'll report back my results

I just got back from costco.

I had a different car with me.

I pulled into the nitrogen self filling station.

I set the pressure on the station to 33. And connected it to all 4 tires one by one. The Costco Tire Technician loaned me the shop digital Accutire Gauge

Here is what I measured
33.3 32.9 34 33.5 Joes Tire Gauge
32.5 31.5 33 34.5 Accutire Digital Gauge

So not sure what the takeaway here is. If the Costco Station is very accurate it looks like my Joes Gauge is doing a fairly good job.

I honestly think sort of thing is overthought a bit often. It's easy to question the dead on accuracy of tools we use, but I shoot more for consistent readings than trying to be sure the accuracy is near perfect. For tires I have used 2 different gauges for quite a few yrs and they both read within 1 lb of each other. I won't rely on the little dinky $2 pen type gauges, but don't believe in spending excessively either. I can feel if the pressure is a bit off based on ride quality and can tell when the dealership tweaks pressure adjustment during routine service as it varies from what I run the tires at. I have even requested them to not bother checking/adjusting as I keep that in order a few times monthly as is and will change what they do anyway, but of course they tend to have their way of doing whatever.
Make sure that whatever gauge you get has a metal pin inside and not a plastic one. A plastic one will eventually break against the metal valve on your stem. A lot of the electronic gauges have plastic pins. A lot of the analog gauges have metal pins.
I’ve got a few of these and they are consistent with each other and the TPMS. It looks like yours is very close to the Costco one, but if you want another to compare to I like these.

I have a Drager tire gauge exactly like this one. You can adjust and calibrate it before use making it extremely accurate. Have had mine for maybe 50 years. Always works, made in Germany.

Was not the cheapest but came highly rated and has been very accurate.



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Just got a Jaco Elite Pro digital gauge. Well reviewed and is replacing a few gauges that were very inaccurate. I'd randomly stop at DT for their free air check, but thought I'd get a decent gauge. I have an old cheapo cigarette compressor (WAY off gauge) and this will accurately tell me the psi.

I just got back from costco.

I had a different car with me.

I pulled into the nitrogen self filling station.

I set the pressure on the station to 33. And connected it to all 4 tires one by one. The Costco Tire Technician loaned me the shop digital Accutire Gauge

Here is what I measured
33.3 32.9 34 33.5 Joes Tire Gauge
32.5 31.5 33 34.5 Accutire Digital Gauge

So not sure what the takeaway here is. If the Costco Station is very accurate it looks like my Joes Gauge is doing a fairly good job.

That's good enough. Remember that both gauges have a margin of error (digital is probably less at .5 PS +/-)

This is the one I use but it was a lot cheaper when I bought my 4 years ago.

I must have 6 tire gauges in my garage, and every one will read differently from the other. Even when my garage put a new tire on, I told them the pressure I wanted it set to. S I went home and checked it against my gauges. It was 4 lbs off from my digital gauge. I've decided to use the digital gauge from now on. Less variables to affect readings.,,
I set the pressure on the station to 33. And connected it to all 4 tires one by one. The Costco Tire Technician loaned me the shop digital Accutire Gauge

Here is what I measured
33.3 32.9 34 33.5 Joes Tire Gauge
32.5 31.5 33 34.5 Accutire Digital Gauge

So not sure what the takeaway here is. If the Costco Station is very accurate it looks like my Joes Gauge is doing a fairly good job.


So the Joes gauge read 0.8 high, 1.4 high, 1.0 high and bizarrely 1.0 low

I would have expected one gauge to read higher than the other with reasonable consistency but to switch from 1.0 high to 1.0 low suggests a problem with repeatability for one or both of the gauges . The Costco station is not exactly consistent either unless both the joes gauge and the Accutire have poor repeatability. This is the problem of not knowing the accuracy and repeatability of your reference gauge. It's a problem for me too. I wish there was a simple reference test that could be relied on.

What I did some years back is borrow as many gauges as possible and compared the readings. I eliminated the highest and the lowest then took the mean of the rest. I was happy with that until I recently checked my gauge against a new digital gauge that my son bought. There was 3 psi difference but who knows which is at fault !