My Dad died this morning

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Sorry to hear about your loss and I can truly say I know what you are going throuhg.

My dad passed away last year at home but I saw his situation worsen for the the last 18 months of his life.

Prayers for you and your family.
Very sorry for your loss. Life has a way of making you pay for loving relationships. If you feel bad and really miss him that is a sure sign that you were lucky enough to have had a good father and a good relationship with your dad. You make take some solace in your good fortune while he was in your life and in the fact that many people lose their father and don't feel the same way.
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Originally Posted By: Stelth
I got the call from the hospice social worker this morning while I was in church. My Dad was 85, and would have been 86 this month. He was hospitalized with a gall bladder attack in April, and was moved from the hospital to an assisted living facility, and we made hospice arrangements at that time. So we knew this day would come, but of course we didn't know when. He had numerous organs failing, and was too weak for surgery.

The hard part has been watching him fade away for the last year or so. He was a vibrant, energetic man, always working in his garden or out playing music somewhere. He didn't have Alzheimer's, but was losing his memory at a pretty good rate. Every once in a while he would forget who I was, but not often. I was pretty much the most important person in his life after my Mom passed several years ago. Fortunately, my kids and I all visited him during the last week.

They told me he passed peacefully, without pain, for which I am thankful.

Lost my Dad in similar circumstances October of 2013 so I can sympathize. Sorry to hear but he's at rest now.
Originally Posted By: Stelth
I got the call from the hospice social worker this morning while I was in church. My Dad was 85, and would have been 86 this month. He was hospitalized with a gall bladder attack in April, and was moved from the hospital to an assisted living facility, and we made hospice arrangements at that time. So we knew this day would come, but of course we didn't know when. He had numerous organs failing, and was too weak for surgery.

The hard part has been watching him fade away for the last year or so. He was a vibrant, energetic man, always working in his garden or out playing music somewhere. He didn't have Alzheimer's, but was losing his memory at a pretty good rate. Every once in a while he would forget who I was, but not often. I was pretty much the most important person in his life after my Mom passed several years ago. Fortunately, my kids and I all visited him during the last week.

They told me he passed peacefully, without pain, for which I am thankful.

Sorry to hear of your loss , I lost my mother nine years ago and it seems like yesterday.
Originally Posted By: Stelth
They told me he passed peacefully, without pain, for which I am thankful.

Sorry for your loss.

It's very difficult to understand, but I hope you understand that your dad didn't suffer much at the end of his life, and thanks to GOD for that.
My condolences as well to you & your family! My dad was the same age when he passed away. We miss him very much. He would have been 102 yr old in Feb!
Sorry to read this and you have my deepest sympathy.

My dad walked out our front door when I was 8 (1959). I never saw him again and our family broke up. You are very fortunate to have your dad for so long in life. Count your blessings and that alone, should bring smiles to your face that last the rest of your living years.
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Originally Posted By: Triple_Se7en
Sorry to read this and you have my deepest sympathy.

My dad walked out our front door when I was 8 (1959). I never saw him again and our family broke up. You are very fortunate to have your dad for so long in life. Count your blessings and that alone, should bring smiles to your face that last the rest of your living years.

I'm sorry to hear that you missed out on having a dad. That's all too common, and I know that I've been fortunate. In addition, my kids have had grandparents who loved them, also a great blessing. I never really knew my grandparents, so I'm very thankful that my kids had that experience.
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