My Dad died this morning

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I'm so sorry for your loss. It's hard to do but remember to be happy and not sad as he's looking down on you in a better place. Like others have said remember the good times.
There's nothing I can say that will give any comfort to you. However, I truly feel for your loss having been there myself.
Admire him for what he was and go forward.
Sorry to hear, my condolences
You have my condolences, I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother in January & there's nothing that can ease the pain. Just pray & know he's in a better place, no more suffering here on Earth. God Bless.
Stelth, I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad in February, he would have been 86 last week. He'd been declining for several years then fell at Thanksgiving then again in early February breaking both hips. It was a blessing for him to go. You'll have grief and thankfulness at the same time. Don't hold it in, allow your grief to come.

God bless
I'm so sorry for your loss. The worst part about getting older is seeing the strong people in your youth getting weaker. May he rest in peace.
So sorry to hear of your loss. I pray the good Lord will give comfort to you and your family during this difficult time.
Condolences. My father is fighting melanoma that has spread to the lungs and brain. I know what you went thru watching him slowly deteriorate.
Sorry for your loss, I watched both my grandparents go downhill slowly while I took care of them. My "aunt", basically my mom's best friend who was more of an aunt to me than my real aunt, just recently lost her battle with cancer, which was hard on everyone.
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