My aunts horrible- play the guessing game- how long will it last?

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I'm not the mechanic of anything- my job at a shop is to clean, hand tools over to the big guy, and do simple tasks such as tuneups and flushes and she knows that. the only time i even touched her car was when she asked me too- when she first got it- i replaced what i could, and when i told her i couldn't fix it- we took it to the shop. *she asked me* to try and see if i could fix it. after i told her i couldn't- mechanics always touched it from then on out. I only touched it yesterday because the engine would not of survived this month- im sure of it, especially in Atlanta traffic and weather. I usually remind her every week to check it- i went a couple months with out asking, and this is what happend.
Man are you in a world of hurt. I am truly sorry (I am not giving you a pity party mind you) for the situation you are in. Although my Mother in law doesn't live with us, I would take it upon myself to check her car out every time she came to visit. She had an old Dodge Intrepid that would burn/leak a quart of oil during the 150 mile trip to see us. It would slay me to think of her getting stranded. I would dump oil in the car, check the tire pressure (ALWAYS low), check the coolant (always low) and whatever else I could. I would always make her aware of the things I adjusted, just so she knew.

She bought that POS with the help of a non-relative. This guy haggled $500 off the price because it had a visible oil leak. Instead of actually fixing it, they just left it. She finally traded that thing in for an 04 Neon which is slowly headed in the same direction. Her children don't really care and she has little money. Dang, how hard is it to come up with $15 for an oil change (them, not you)? They could each chip in $50 for a tire.

The problem that I have with your situation is the fact that your aunt just doesn't care what happens. I'll throw something else out there too. If I were in an accident because someone didn't properly maintain their vehicle, I would go after them really hard. What happens when that engine blows just as she's attempting a left turn infront of an 18 wheeler? What happens when it blows as she's trying to get on a busy interstate? As you know 85 stinks in Atlanta!

Anyway, sorry to ramble. And I'm sorry I haven't given any really good advice. I think you have all your answers in all the other posts. Good luck.

Originally posted by KieferS:
...shes afraid that if we change the oil - the car will break...

If I was in your position, I'd change the oil and filter while she was taking a bath or something. If she depends on mysterious forces to get through that mysterious force for her.
heck with 85- what if it goes out on 400? *ouch* meh- im not touching this car. Thanks for all the replys and concern guys. I'll follow alot of the peoples advice- which is not to touch the car. She likes to blame ppl for everything- and i know when this engine goes, its going to be the fault of yours truly. I won't touch the car with a 12 ft pole.
Hate to sound like the devil’s advocate here, but especially if money is tight, let it go. You are already working on “It’s your fault” by touching the engine, and especially continuing to insist. When it blows, and she has to walk, it will sink in. Make sure you have proof that it was the lack of maintenance that caused the problem, so she doesn’t blame it on you or the vehicle. Sometimes you must exercise the pimp hand.


Ultimatum. Tell her that the engine is in bad shape. If she wants help, you will help her try to get it back into some kind of shape.

If she says no, see above
Why not print this thread and have her read it?
Can't she get a second opinion from 'even' the guys in the Wallmart lube dept?
Explain to her that Ignorance is just not knowing.
Stupidity is knowing, but not acting.
Is she any less stupid than an ostrich that hides it's head in the face of imminent danger?
Tough situation.
I feel for you.
Especially knowing that it's family.

By now the bearings have got to be so sloppy, what point is there of having new seals?
How's the rest of the car?

No funds and a thick coat of stubbornness with a family member is a bad situation. I feel for your well being as much as hers because I can tell you care.

Seems like a classic case of the old "You can pay me now or pay me later." And now it's later.

On the flip side, I'm guessing she got 60k miles of service out of this car despite the abuse. How many oil changes in this time? No noticeable engine problems meaning it's still driving ok? Wow. While the rest of us fret about PPM out of a UOA in hopes of getting a "decent" lifespan out of an auto. Opposite extremes...

I agree that the more you work on the car given its present state, the more you will be associated with future issues that crop up. I'd say educate her about the present condition of the car. Is there someone else she knows and trusts that could back you up? Prep her that the car may not have much life left to it and she should be prepared in case it goes. Start thinking about a backup plan. Look for a steal deal on a replacement that would at least give you something worthwhile to maintenance, if you wanted to take on that responsibility. Then she'll be safe and you can ease your mind.

Just some thoughts that came to mind...
Good luck.

Originally posted by KieferS:
What ill do is- ive thought about this alot. next year before i leave to UTI- i'll buy a cheap truck that i don't mind fixing up myself and stuff, ill teach my mom how to drive stick, and we'll give my moms camry to my aunt- we'll sell the other camry for what ever we can get for it and use that for my tuition.

This is another interesting piece of psychology about yourself, Kiefer. Don't you see that YOU will then be rewarding her bad behavior by giving her another car? Now YOU are contributing to this cycle of destruction.
I believe her taking the bus is a realistic option and one that she is in fact choosing for herself through her deliberate actions. There is no shame in riding the bus: some people just can't handle the responsibility of car ownership. The sooner you and your family face this reality, the better for everyone.
See if she'll let you pull the valve cover, and scoop out as much sludge as you can. Then do a quickie solvent flush, followed by 2 full auto-rx treatments. She's family. Keep trying with her.
She's thinking oil is the same as gas, and you add more when it runs out. Tell her it's like taking a bath. The less water in the tub, the more dirt sticks to you. Teach her to use the dipstick, and what to do when the oil light comes on.
KieferS, you're a saint. I'd have never known you were 16 but for one post.

I have to agree with the others about not touching the camry anymore.

Can you tell us more about this mechanics' apprenticeship type thing you're doing? Most 16 year olds are bagging groceries, or not working at all, but you're doing something hands on already? This is fascinating.

I think you should get some $200 car to work on and restore. You already did a head gasket just for grins on this camry?
You could easily find a car with less wrong than the camry for very cheap money.

Bring it back to running right, then tell your aunt it'd be cheaper to insure under her name than yours, so title it to her. Then let her "borrow" it when the camry bites the dust. You'll already be maintaining it. I'd pick something with an automatic transmission but manual steering, no air conditioning, and no radio... penalty box on wheels.

Are you enabling? Yup. Is this unhealthy? Probably. Here's hoping you can put some distance between yourself and this mess in a few years though.
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