My aunts horrible- play the guessing game- how long will it last?

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The fresh oil will probably loosen a bunch of sludge, plug up the oil intake strainer, and seize the engine. I vote three months. A business card from a good local towing company might be a useful gift.
Report your aunt to CTU.

Originally posted by KieferS:
The car consumes oil- but it also has a leak - a huge one, the worse ive ever seen. if i park the car over night the next morning there will be a puddle of oil. quite literally. I don't know how a leak this big cannot be found. they set it at the shop over night after cleaning the engine bay, and they still coudln't find the source of the leak. The engine doesn't have the plastic thing that looks sludged- it IS sludged- and BURNT, it looks like when you burn beef at a BBQ. so is the dip stick, and she has been complaining of lost performance, but i don't see blue smoke or anything. She works at the Walmart... the quick lube department, the one we are at hires non technicians to operate the register, make keys etc. i love her working there- i get a 10% discount on all my oil Hehehe. I really don't want her to blow this engine- we're tight on dough, and the family depends on our cars working right.

Working in the quick lube department she HAS to know that changing oil is something you do regularly with a car, right?

When I worked at a quick lube place some of the new employees came in not knowing that you ever had to maintain a car, but that always changed very quickly. They always started taking advantage of their discounts and taking good care of their cars.

Your aunt is hopeless.
Don't touch the car. Just let her drive it. If it goes down the drain then let her buy a new car. I bet you her car will out run all of ours. That's the way it is. You treat your car like **** and it will never die. You take care of it and it gives you problems. It's almost like a spoiled child. Give them everything they want and they take advantage. Give them a backhand periodically and they leave you alone.
You state that she already ruined one engine in a previous car-and she's doing it again to this car. Clearly she is someone that has no mechanical knowledge, nor has the desire to learn. She clearly also is not someone who learns from past mistakes and will continue to repeat her mistakes.

Your best course of action is to do nothing. At this point the damage is done. When it finally does fail she'll probably complain that the poor quality of the car caused the failure and not a lack of maintenance.

If you try to do battle with her on it you'll only drive yourself crazy and annoy her.
I would hate to be this woman's dog. . .

Seriously, I agree with the others who advise that you back away from this "project" as quickly as you can. Your aunt is exhibiting the strongest signs possible of having what the shrinks would call an "external locus of control". We all vary in how much control that we, deep down, feel we have over the world around us. She believes that luck, fate, and of the course, the infamous "they" control her existence.

An integral part of this personality is a strong inclination to blame outside forces (people as well as inanimate forces) when things go wrong. When this car does blow, she of course, will be blameless. She will fault other factors which in her mind she can tie to the failure. That, of course, will be YOU. While I admire your willingness to help her, the more you do, the stronger the "basis" in her mind will be to blame you. Get away from this mess as fast as you can.

With no attention and that oil leak, I'd say about 90 days max.

Good luck!
Kiefer, I have to agree with the majority here. It's your aunt's car to do with as she pleases, and if she pleases to give it inadequate maintenance, then so be it. I know how hard it is to stand by and watch someone make a big mistake when you have the ability to help, but all you can do in this case is give her the best advice possible. If she chooses to ignore it, DO NOT continue to work on that car, as you'll just be throwing good money after bad, and you WILL be blamed when it finally croaks.
Not trying to bash your Aunt - but I agree with everyone else. The more you do, the more you'll get the blame when everything goes south. Just let us know when it lets go - we ought to start a pool. I say, November 1st, 2006, (All Saints Day - what better day to go to the great beyond?).

When I think of how many buses I waited for as a teenager in the heat and cold, how many rides I cadged from unwilling friends . . . I'd have done anything to have a decent car. You better believe I'd have maintained it and made sure it lived to a nice ripe old age. Your aunt just doesn't appreciate what she has.

When the engine goes, don't you be her chauffeur. Maybe riding the bus for a while will cure her.

-- Paul W.
This is a prime example of why I no longer buy used cars (unless I came across a privately owned vehicle whose owner I knew). Far too many cars are abused and to me its not worth saving a little money.

I'm going to go against the grain here and suggest you keep trying to educate and help your Aunt. She is family after all. Be there when she "hits bottom" and offer her a helping hand. I was brought up to always help your family members until they do something that no longer allows them to be part of the family. Not changing the oil isn't one of them.
Thanks Gear- but theres no one. I live with my mom and two aunts, my uncle the only one who would take care of the car- left; My mom was just like her, my aunt- but now my mom knows to take care of her car, because i explained it to her - and she understands. The camry- was driven hard- in 100 degree weather with basically NO oil, and she was complaining of reduced performance- but that could of been because the accelerator cable was bad, or because the oil was low, or because she was using copper plugs instead of platinum or all 3, as she says the performance is now back. The engine- i can look straight into it, and it's thrased from what i can see. You stick one finger in- it comes out with a finger full of something burnt, i shined a light to it- and it wasn't very pretty *at all* I was thinking of taking the valve cover off to look inside today- but i don't want to touch this car again. We don't have the money to buy another car, or the time And i can't be stuck being her driver because i have to go to work immediatly after school, then come home and finish up my school work, and sleep early so i won't have trouble waking up- i just have no time for it, and my mom works 12 hour shifts. I can probably take the bus to school, and my mom can give me a ride to work if it comes down to it- but im sure she won't even take the time to learn standard- if it means her job. And she doesn't like to take the bus, because shes afraid of getting robbed or what not. Im praying this engine doesn't go- if it does, its going to hurt us all. what can i do to make it last? Im sure its too late for max life and all that- beyond the point where a fluid will help fix anything. What im thinking is- sell the car to car max for how ever much they offer us while it is still running, then buy a used car with high miles for the same price. What a shame too- this car only has 95k

What im thinking is- sell the car to car max for how ever much they offer us while it is still running, then buy a used car with high miles for the same price.

You could end up trading for a nice car or you could end up trading one set of problems for another. A lot depends on your mechanical skill.

Another option is to keep your eyes open for a junk yard engine and pick it up when funds allow. That way you have an engine ready to repower the car with when this one dies. However that comes with it's own problems as well.
It's going to be your luck that at just the point where you're trying to do the engine a favor and treat it as it's supposed to be treated, it's gonna sling a piston across your front yard and you'll get the blame. Something is very awry in the oiling system, and as much oil as you're losing, it sounds very reminiscent of a front or rear main seal that has comitted suicide.

If she's really lucky, Toyota engineered that dipstick with a big safety that there's actually a couple of quarts in the pan even if the dipsick reads empty. That's the only way I can see that she didn't end up stranded somewhere.

A girl I dated in WY called me to come look at her 79 Civic one morning because it was running rough and wouldn't idle. The first thing I did was pull the dipstick....DRY. She had arrived back to town the previous night from a 140 mile highway trip, and bless her stupid heart..the engine waited until the next morning to even utter a protest. People like your aunt seem to survive on dumb luck where vehicles are concerned. But don't touch the car again. It's nice of you to want to help...but constantly bailing people out of situations like this causes them to never learn about a very basic principle of vehicle ownership - taking responsibility for the most basic of maintenance requirements. Engines don't run and survive on gas and air alone, despite my girlfriend's (and countless other relatives and friends of mine) best efforts to make them do so.
I'll take the other side. Tell her that unless she has a lot of money for a new car, preventative maintenance will keep her car running for a long time. I agree it may be too late for her car but im my experiance it does no one any good to turn your back on a family member.
427, Oldwolf:

I see your point, and I'm not advocating totally abandoning the aunt. But this horse has been taken to the water, and continually coaxed. Sheesh, Kiefer has virtually shoved the horse's head into the water -- and she still refuses to drink. No, she doesn't deserve (from what we know) to be expelled from the family, but she's not exactly exhibiting sterling loyalty to the family herself. They don't have a lot of money, making a working car a priceless asset, and she willfully refuses to care for it, and affirmatively chooses to neglect it. Oldwolf, he's done what you recommend, 'till he's blue in the face. This car will die, soon, and when it does, she will undoubtedly continue her pattern of not accepting responsibility -- and Kiefer will be the first blame-target selected.
At this point I'd say stock up on the lowest cost oil you can find. Watch for sales. Work all the deals you can.
Maybe she can get top offs from Walmart since she works in the department?
Check stores for clearance oil. Ask if they have old stock they would be willing to let go for cheap. Maybe even where she works.
Just keep a reasonable quantity of oil around so it's more likely to be put to use.

Depending on how fast it looses the oil, check it at some specific interval. Maybe make it a regular thing to get together with her on a regular schedule, like every Monday, to look at the dipstick and make sure it still has some oil on it. After a while, maybe she'll just take to doing it herself.

Maybe it'll be ok. Leaking but running. And running seems to be the most important right now.
I can get the oil no problem- I work at a shop and me and the boss get along well- i've chipped in to buy some packages of oil as well for his shop- Im sure he'll let me have a package. each package has about 30 quarts of oil in it. I know why she said no- i talked to her today- really did heart to heart- and shes afraid that if we change the oil- the car will break. I cou;dn't promise her it wouldn't- it very well could, but it wouldn't be my fault if it did. after i said that- shes def, not going to change her habbits. Theres just no way i can convince her. If we get a good used car one day- ill tell her to just let me take care of it. and if something happens ill take the blame. I won't be living here next year anyway- but i still don't want the family to hit any hard times. What ill do is- ive thought about this alot. next year before i leave to UTI- i'll buy a cheap truck that i don't mind fixing up myself and stuff, ill teach my mom how to drive stick, and we'll give my moms camry to my aunt- we'll sell the other camry for what ever we can get for it and use that for my tuition.
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