Morgan Spurlock dead at 53

I despise fast food and don't eat it - it's been the ruination of our nation's health imo. And though I was sad to read about Spurlock's death, I do not think the month of fast food he ate for 'Supersize Me' caused his cancer. Could've been just about anything - the heavy drinking others mentioned, genetics, HPV - many different causes.
In 2022, Don Gorske celebrated 50 years of eating a Big Mac everyday. I don't think the food killed Spurlock.

I recall my first job, in 1998, which was out of state. I had a 2 week onboarding process where I could decide if I was going to take the job. I stayed in a motel and ate out every meal. Young me thought it would be great! By Friday I was so sick of fast food that I accepted the job (which allowed me access to the room and board stipend) just to get an apartment and cook my own meals.

There's a YouTube Channel by the name of TheReportOfTheWeek. A pasty English manchild eats his way through fast food while expounding on his likes and dislikes. Iys all about taste. I think he's already ghoulified.
This is why Adam the host of man vs food had to stop those huge food challenges and let his assistant take over. His dietitian more or less told him that continuing to eat like he did will kill him.
This is why Adam the host of man vs food had to stop those huge food challenges and let his assistant take over. His dietitian more or less told him that continuing to eat like he did will kill him.
Let's say if someone has eaten a terrible diet for a very long time, CVD is very likely and there are usually comorbidities. One over-the-top meal can certainly trigger a lethal event. Actor James Gandolfini comes to mind. At age 51 he had several orders of fried king prawns with mayo, a heap of foie gras, was drinking shots of rum, and he had several beers and cocktails. At the time of his death, he was grossly obese at 300 lbs and at 6 feet tall. He was also a cigar smoker. He was found dead by his 14-year-old son. The autopsy confirmed a heart attack. Based on what his last meal was his triglycerides must have been sky-high. The alcohol did not help. With CVD already present, feasting like Caligula is a recipe for a cardiovascular event or pancreatitis.