Morgan Spurlock dead at 53

Morgan Spurlock, who did the interesting documentary ‘Supersize Me’ has died of cancer at 53.
Interesting thought; did the excessive fast food cause his cancer years later?
Maybe, maybe not... People who never smoked still get lung cancer (just at far lower rates than smokers).

Really hard to say if helped or hurt his cause from doing that.
Highly doubtful, else the entire country would have cancer.
I'll add that Spurlock at nothing but McDonalds for 30 days, and while it did significantly harm his health, the human body is really good at healing itself if you give it a chance. Consider smoking, which is proven to cause cancer (unlike fast food). If you smoked for only 30 days it would not increase your risk of lung cancer.
Interesting thought; did the excessive fast food cause his cancer years later?
You might be onto something
Highly doubtful, else the entire country would have cancer.
Over 40% of people in the US come down with cancer during their lifetime. About 37% of American adults consume fast food daily. Correlation by itself does not imply causation. There are other contributing factors: drinking, smoking, lack of sleep, stress, exposure to chemicals and environmental factors, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, poor healthcare, and genetics. Not making any effort and just accepting what's perceived as "fate" is the lazy and popular way of dealing with this. To each his own.

One month of fast food didn't kill him. Who knows what his lifestyle and health condition were otherwise? Cancer is always in the cards.
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"He also admitted drinking heavily since the age of 13 and said he had not been sober “for more than a week in 30 years”. Commentators noted this contradicted his account during Super Size Me and may have accounted for some of his weight gain and liver damage during the filming."

Sad, but probably throat/stomach/liver/bowel cancer from drinking.
"He also admitted drinking heavily since the age of 13 and said he had not been sober “for more than a week in 30 years”. Commentators noted this contradicted his account during Super Size Me and may have accounted for some of his weight gain and liver damage during the filming."

Sad, but probably throat/stomach/liver/bowel cancer from drinking.

They even said he had the liver of an alcoholic during filming, which makes sense because he was an alcoholic.
admitted to heavy alcohol intake for most of his life ,can't help
I have a neighbor who was a heavy drinker his whole life, no Fast Food, no smoking, he lived until he was 91 years old. Fast Food does taste good, but it is not good for your health.

I remember when my parents went out 1 night and left me alone, I grabbed a beer, it was a Peels Beer, I was like 13 or 14 years old. There is no Peels Beer anymore, looking back, I should have saved the Can. My spelling might be off, I wonder if they went out of business because I had 1 of their beers. I am thinking this was cheap beer, my 1st beer should have been Coors or Budweiser, oh Well. LOL
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I'm interested in finding a volunteer for a long-term study involving a diet consisting of Chinese takeout food and sweet soda pop. The consumption of at least one Chinese takeout meal and a large soda every day are the minimum requirements. The study will last as long as the volunteer. Any volunteers? ;)
I'm interested in finding a volunteer for a long-term study involving a diet consisting of Chinese takeout food and sweet soda pop. At least one Chinese takeout meal and a large soda every day are the minimum requirements. The study will last as long as the volunteer. Any volunteers? ;)
Are you paying, remember what happened with Red Lobster! LOL
There's a YouTube Channel by the name of TheReportOfTheWeek. A pasty English manchild eats his way through fast food while expounding on his likes and dislikes. Iys all about taste. I think he's already ghoulified.