Maxlife blend or synpower?

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Mar 12, 2007
At walmarts pricing, which is $16 and change for the blend and $22 and change for synpower, which would you run for a 7500k oci. What do you guys feel is the better oil? I have run both and could tell no difference in the two, and really would there be any difference. My opinion is the maxlife blend is a better deal for the price.
does the vehicle leak or burn oil? what's your driving situation hwy&city, what vehicle is it goin in? my car is hard on oil so I wouldnt use a high mileage blend oil for 7500. so I would use the syn power unless u think needs hm oil. napa full syn is basically the same n is $20 with filter often. Plus for cold starts the synthetic would do much better in your cold climate
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I'm going by value for the price of the oil, I think the maxlife might be the better value.
My opinion is that you're right.
Maxlife SB works very well in my old BMW, and I have a lot left in the lime flavor that I got FAR in the spring, summer and fall of 2012.
There is a general consensus that manufacturer oci's are conservative so 7500 oci's with any quality oil are ok.

BUT this does not take account for situation specific variables such as driving conditions, vehicle condition and manufacturer instructions.

So, if you're trying to decide this through judgement / feel, you need to consider these to evaluate whether going to 7500 is ok.

Of course the best way to know is to do a UOA.

Next best thing you can do is search for UOAs.

If you don't do these then go for a extended mileage oil like M1 EP.

Or try to infer something on longevity from PQIAs comparative testing.

My go to oil at full retail (and more so because of rebates) has been QSUD. It and PP, are the lightest 30 weight oils. Synpower and the other brands are heavier and MaxLife I think is heavier.

If I was in Canada, this would be even more important to me.
Originally Posted By: TrevorS
There is a general consensus that manufacturer oci's are conservative so 7500 oci's with any quality oil are ok.

You're welcome to exclude me from that general consensus.
With Canadian winter temperatures, in general a synthetic will have the advantage over a blend at startup.
Maxlife blend is the better buy I agree, and in fact may be one of the best values in oil period. Great stuff!
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