Marijuana on the left coast

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Not sure what you are asking for, but personally nothing has changed.
I live in a small town in the southern part of Silicon Valley, Los Gatos. A very nice place to live...
Out of curiosity I asked a friend about the buying process and cost.
He said even the cheaper stuff is really strong.
There is a lotta tax revenue; I believe it is taxed similar to alcohol.
Again, I have not noticed any difference, but then again I don't drink, smoke, etc.
I am happy people are not criminalized for using pot.
And the medical benefits seem to be wonderful and promising; for example the children suffering from seizures getting relief for the 1st time in their lives.
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
Originally Posted By: WhyMe
now that the gov has got a taste of the tax money it brings in it not going away

Yep, all about state money revenue now. Money hungry state here.

Originally Posted By: madRiver
Originally Posted By: KJSmith
Colorado is where you want to be,
Legal dope and open carry!!!

Open carry is fine for clowns, NH has it and no one walks around and it does it or cares when anyone does it.

We have open carry.
Have not seen anyone do it yet.
Just takes the worry out of accidental exposure.
I would rather share the road with MJ users than with alcoholics.

in order of danger in my opinion
screaming kids

cell phones double the threat.

A politician in California said that finally weed is legal in all 3 states that have a border that touches the Pacific Ocean. Problem, he's smoking too much. There are 5.
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
A politician in California said that finally weed is legal in all 3 states that have a border that touches the Pacific Ocean. Problem, he's smoking too much. There are 5.

That is exactly correct.
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Originally Posted By: Chris142
Originally Posted By: hatt
LOLOL. Yes, people just started smoking because it's legal.
no but before they were hiding it. Not toking it up at a traffic light.

I'll bet in states where it is legal there will be some people who will try it, where as if illegal they wouldn't.

And kids growing up may start viewing legalized pot smoking as a "social norm" just like alcohol. What's next to become legalized as a "social norm"?
By California law, marijuana must be grown indoors, so it's been doubling and tripling the cost to lease a building in the industrialized areas of the city.
My daughter is in Year 10 at high school, and last year was the year that her peers hit pot. Her view is that more than half have tried it, and most of them use it regularly.

And It's totally illegal...and these are 15-16 year olds getting it somehow (and "pingers", whatever they are).

WRT to what to legalise next...
To quote Teleb
The ethical is always more robust than the legal. Over time it is the legal that should converge to the etical, never the reverse.

Lobby groups were instrumental in making it illegal, which is not ethical.
I can't believe this is still a discussion. Legalize and tax it. Clearly it isn't any more dangerous than alcohol, put the drug dealers out of business and let the state collect revenue.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: Johnny2Bad
It's still illegal via US Federal Law, so what happens if you're caught depends on who catches you.

As far as Canada goes, Law Enforcement here is concentrating on effective means to identify and charge non-alcohol impaired drivers. There is also considerable new research going on to identify medical procedures that can be used to identify impaired drivers. I expect there will soon be "breathalyzer" type machines to aid that initiative, versus having to send the suspect to a hospital for tests. It's what happens when you can openly throw money at the problem ... marijuana research is not very well established in academia. That needs to change.

The technology is all there.

It's roadside testing here in Oz, same as RBT.

Swizzle the swab around your mouth, and place it in the receptacle of the test kit...then lines come up like a pregnancy test.

Mouth swab, so it's active in your system, unlike a urine test.

Well, there you go, I knew the cops had some way of quantifying it, it's just that I haven't asked the cops I know about it and the chances that one would apply the roadside to me is zero, so thanks for the details.
Originally Posted By: Johnny2Bad
Well, there you go, I knew the cops had some way of quantifying it, it's just that I haven't asked the cops I know about it and the chances that one would apply the roadside to me is zero, so thanks for the details.

No problems.

They use the kits at work, randomly, and for cause after an incident...takes about 10 minutes to process, which is pretty whacked for a roadside stop.

Work tests for Opiods as well.
I'm not enthused about the weed use while driving, but it seems less dangerous than the heroin users who get a hit of fentanyl or carfentanyl, pass out almost instantaneously, and cause head-on collisions!
It's a whole lot of not my business what people stick in their mouth and light on fire!

Originally Posted By: bullwinkle
I'm not enthused about the weed use while driving, but it seems less dangerous than the heroin users who get a hit of fentanyl or carfentanyl, pass out almost instantaneously, and cause head-on collisions!

It's definitely less evil in every aspect than the opioids.
I think they should just legalize it nationwide for medicinal or recreational use. I've got no problem with people smoking it in public as long as they aren't driving under the influence. We don't need any more bad drivers on the road. At least if it was legal it would be controlled like alcohol and tobacco is, and the tax revenues generated would take care of our national debt. It's also not as harmful as alcohol or tobacco...
Originally Posted By: dishdude
I can't believe this is still a discussion. Legalize and tax it. Clearly it isn't any more dangerous than alcohol, put the drug dealers out of business and let the state collect revenue.

Yep. Not only is it no more dangerous than alcohol (if really at all), it has actually studied medical benefits. Instead of embracing that like a sane and science based country, we lock people up for crazy amounts of time.
Let me propose this question to those of you that are on board with legalization: How would you feel about your police officers, firemen, EMT's, doctors, nurses or teachers being daily users of weed?
Originally Posted By: HemiHawk
Yep. Not only is it no more dangerous than alcohol (if really at all), it has actually studied medical benefits. Instead of embracing that like a sane and science based country, we lock people up for crazy amounts of time.

Tobacco also has studied medical benefits, it's just that with MJ, they are being touted to try to reverse the prohibition.

Same as any number of herbs that have genuine medicinal properties (for e.g pettispurge/radiumwort) that are ganuine, heve been used for hundreds of years, but no-one can make claims without FDA...and pharma is working hard to find something patentable to put through the system, when it's probably there in your back yard.

Need to drop the pharmacological benefits of MJ.

There's no reason that it should be illegal.

There's reason to not put the public at risk through the use of it (thus roadside testing) but that's exactly the same risk with what your doctor prescribes you and "may cause drowsiness", and people do their normal day anyway. Being prescribed something does not make you less of a public risk.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: HemiHawk
Yep. Not only is it no more dangerous than alcohol (if really at all), it has actually studied medical benefits. Instead of embracing that like a sane and science based country, we lock people up for crazy amounts of time.

Tobacco also has studied medical benefits, it's just that with MJ, they are being touted to try to reverse the prohibition.

Same as any number of herbs that have genuine medicinal properties (for e.g pettispurge/radiumwort) that are ganuine, heve been used for hundreds of years, but no-one can make claims without FDA...and pharma is working hard to find something patentable to put through the system, when it's probably there in your back yard.

Need to drop the pharmacological benefits of MJ.

There's no reason that it should be illegal.

There's reason to not put the public at risk through the use of it (thus roadside testing) but that's exactly the same risk with what your doctor prescribes you and "may cause drowsiness", and people do their normal day anyway. Being prescribed something does not make you less of a public risk.

You, I like you. Rational thought what a concept.

Originally Posted By: InhalingBullets
Let me propose this question to those of you that are on board with legalization: How would you feel about your police officers, firemen, EMT's, doctors, nurses or teachers being daily users of weed?

I kind of see what you're getting at, but its not too complicated. If you have a job that is on-call you shouldn't be using it. Same as alcohol. I worked for awhile a couple years ago where I was on call twice a month for issues overnight. Those nights I never had a sip of alcohol. A normal amount wouldn't even impair me at all I just didn't want to be extra tired.

For emergency responders who are always on call (EMT,Fire,Police)... They probably shouldn't use it, same as they shouldn't have too much or even any alcohol. But teachers? When they go home they can do as they please. They don't have work until the next morning.
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