Leaky Oil Filter Thoughts?

Like knock-offs, or just filters that look similar?
I wouldn't even know what to call it to be honest, I know Premium Guard (EX) which makes Microgard Select manufactures in Vietnam. But there is filters that have the same filter design, gasket, etc that are made in China so whether it is a Chinese knock-off or if Premium Guard has additional factories for other brands or contracted their design out I don't know.

The STP line is an example of this, they have like exact clones but are clearly labelled made in China.
Very strange. I have not had any customers return any of these complaining. But can you send me the date code?
Very strange. I have not had any customers return any of these complaining. But can you send me the date code?
Here you go!
MSL10255 was the old one.
MSL57045 was the new one.


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MSL10255 is for a Chevy. It looks like for these Fords 57045 and 57502 both fit but I’d try a 57502.
Awhile back I crossed Frams 10575 on https://www.oilfilter-crossreference.com/ since that was the filter I was switching from.
10255 and 57045 came up as replacements that could be used. Even used a Wix WL10255 with no issue before the Select MSL10255. Used MSL10255 first because 57045 was not available when I was doing the OC (did purchase one later when it came in stock). Both filters Gasket OD and ID measure the same as the 10575 and WL10255 so not sure what the issue was with either, but will prolly consider my time with the Selects done for now.
Yeah they all seem loosely similar and same thread size.

I took one of each off the shelf and the threads all seemed to be a similar distance to the engine if it were attached so idk how it’s bottoming out and not sealing completely.
That is something that could have been happening. After looking over the Select before removing it and after installing the Fram, I feel like something may have been stopping the new Select from threading on far enough as the red gasket was still showing a bit whereas the Fram seats snug and I can't see the gasket at all.
If the filter base bottomed out on the mounting stud, then there should be a mark on the base plate where the interference happened.
If the filter base bottomed out on the mounting stud, then there should be a mark on the base plate where the interference happened.
I'm not sure the base bottomed out since there was a good amount of gasket that was left showing, but for some reason the filter was not threading on any further than what I got it to. I am thinking it is strictly something with my truck and the Select filters, though as I have a MSL10255 on my wife's Acadia that is performing perfectly (that was the model that originally didn't seat properly on my truck).

Good news, I have a couple drives now with the Fram and nothing has seeped out around it so far.
I'm not sure the base bottomed out since there was a good amount of gasket that was left showing ...
A good amount of base gasket showing could be an indication the base plate bottomed out on the engine mount fitting. If you still have that filter look closely at the area around the threaded hole to see if there is a mark in the base plate that would indicate contact interference.
A good amount of base gasket showing could be an indication the base plate bottomed out on the engine mount fitting. If you still have that filter look closely at the area around the threaded hole to see if there is a mark in the base plate that would indicate contact interference.
I have already cut the old one open, but the new one is still in tact. I don't recall any spots that looked abnormal on the base plate, but will look again and snap some pictures later, too.
Looks like Microgard paints the can before crimping it to the base plate, whereas most other filters are painted after the can is crimped to the base plate which would help seal that seam between the can and base plate.
Spot on ZeeOSix. And they do this so they don't have to do any masking if the filter were in its completed state to save a few cent's in manufacturing. Looking at pictures and videos of other filters it looks like Microgard is the only brand that does this. With the can painted prior to assembly this could impact the seam rolling operation. They also could be getting paint inside the can.

Combined with the bottoming out on the filter pad I'm reading about, Microgard is off my list of filter choices.
Do you still have the pieces (base plate specifically) laying around?
Neither base plate, old or newer filter, seem to have any marks indicating contact with the filter mount. **Attached pictures for trained eyes to look at.
What I did find surprising is the force it takes to compress the Select gasket even the smallest bit between my fingers. The black gasket is from an Ultra that was just on my wife's Acadia for 7k: it's flattened out and has zero squish to it anymore. The red gasket in the middle is from the old MSL10255 that was on my truck for the last OCI and it's just as thick as the one from the newer MSL57045 that I installed then removed. You wouldn't be able to tell which was just ran for 6500 miles and the other barely on for 50 miles.


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