Kidney Stone

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Nov 16, 2002
I think I'm having another kidney stone attack. My dad and uncle have both had them several times. Sounds like I'll be following them.

Last night I had a dull ache/pain in my lower left side of my back.

Is there anything you can do to flush it out? The last time I had one I went to the ER and they gave me some pain meds. Left after 3 hours and later that night I had a few beers and it came out.

Maybe I'll drink it away tonight.
Start drinking more fluids on a regular basis. It is said that cranberry juice helps to prevent these so you may want to try that. I have had two and they can be QUITE painful. Apparently the pain is from the tube that runs from the kidney to the bladder going into convulsions. There are foods to avaoid as the stones are often oxalate salts. Google kidney stone prevention and I'm sure you will find a lot of data. My son has had to have major surgery to remove two stones that became very large so don't take these lightly. If it won't pass, you are on th lithotripsy (sp?) and then to surgery.
Originally Posted By: buster
Is there anything you can do to flush it out?

Other than drinking large amounts of fluids, no. All you can do is wait. Alcohol and coffee do NOT count as "fluids", since they cause dehydration. Dehydration concentrates the urine, leading to a greater probability of stone-formation.

I've had a couple of stones, and I know exactly what it feels like. One of mine was so painful I was flat on my back in bed for a week, unable to move, plus there was bleeding in the urine when it finally passed.
My sister-in-law recently had a giant stone that was so big that they had to use lithotripsy to break it up so she could pass the pieces.

The doctors told me that
1) insufficient intake of fluids can lead to stones, and
2) the only sure way of preventing stones from re-occurring is to determine what yours are made of, and applying the treatments specific to that type of stone. This means peeing into a coffee filter until the stone is passed, then having the specimen analyzed for its mineral makeup.
I only had one once. it came out of no where while I was at work. I stuck it out at work but was more painful then when I broke my leg in 2 places. when I got home I drank some white cranberry juice and it passed. went to see my doctor and he said drink more water. he explained it this way. take a teaspoon of salt and dump it in a 4 oz glass of water , 8 oz glass of water and a gallon of water and see how how long it takes to dissolve in each. first and last one I had was well over 5 years ago and have not had one since. I do still drink the white peach cranberry juice but mix it with water.
Originally Posted By: Donald
Your doctor is your best source of info. We are just "hacks". There are new procedures to break up some stones with ultrasound.

Hacks? Shoot! Give me a hammer and a screwdriver, I'll get yer stone out!!
I had one a few years ago painful little [censored],increase fluid intake and watch consuming milk mine was a calcium deposit.
Thanks for the information, I appreciate it.

Someone suggested I chug down some BG Quick Clean.
we need prevention, not treatment.

quit the meat, wheat, dairy, sugar and alcohol. It will change your life forever. Granted, some do better with a small amount of meat in their diet, the rest of it, nobody needs.

Your problem is acidic stress and oxidative stress, all of the above are part of the problem.

you are probably dehydrated too.
lots of lime/lemon juice in diet, and honey and apple cider vinegar first thing in the morning with 1 whole lemon.
Drink a lot of fluids and get blood work done to make sure you don't have something else.
Originally Posted By: buster
I think I'm having another kidney stone attack. My dad and uncle have both had them several times. Sounds like I'll be following them.

Last night I had a dull ache/pain in my lower left side of my back.

Is there anything you can do to flush it out? The last time I had one I went to the ER and they gave me some pain meds. Left after 3 hours and later that night I had a few beers and it came out.

Maybe I'll drink it away tonight.

They suck!!!!! Just be sure its a kidney stone and not something else. If you have access to Flomax [read all the precautions online first] take it! Beer helps with flushing them out!
For this procedure, alcohol is an essential liquid and would count.

Originally Posted By: Propflux01
Originally Posted By: Donald
Your doctor is your best source of info. We are just "hacks". There are new procedures to break up some stones with ultrasound.

Hacks? Shoot! Give me a hammer and a screwdriver, I'll get yer stone out!!
Drink lots of water. Cranberry juice and beer also work well, but water is the best long-term solution. I have had 8 kidney stone in my life and just had surgery two days after Christmas to remove a stone that started hurting on 12/4. No lithotripsy, he put me under and went in with a laser to zap the stone and pull it out. Yes, he went just where you're thinking and yes, it hurt for about 24 hours, but no more kidney stone. Needless to say, its been quite a December. Good luck!
Originally Posted By: cwing6
Drink lots of water. Cranberry juice and beer also work well, but water is the best long-term solution. I have had 8 kidney stone in my life and just had surgery two days after Christmas to remove a stone that started hurting on 12/4. No lithotripsy, he put me under and went in with a laser to zap the stone and pull it out. Yes, he went just where you're thinking and yes, it hurt for about 24 hours, but no more kidney stone. Needless to say, its been quite a December. Good luck!
I had a camera stuffed up there the same way over the summer. Pulling the stent after 5 days was no picnic either. The actual process wasn't too bad (once I got over the I have to pull WHAT out of my WHERE now?) but the pain that hit me after I pulled the stent out was incredible. Thank goodness for Tylenol-3.
I once went through a multi-day ordeal and finally met with success after downing a half dozen Coke Classics. The treatment regime which specified Cokes also included eating asparagus... and that was not tolerated by my palate in the least.

Although there was benefit from lemon juice and olive oil.. it was those soft drinks that helped the most (as far as I can tell).

I do however like that cranberry juice idea! And also check out a supplement called: Stone Free - might be a worthwhile preventative.
I'd go to whole foods and pick up real, unsweetened cranberry juice (not cocktail, not sweet), and some raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and some lemons. Make a dilute cocktail of these and drink a LOT.
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