It's not just Chinese tire names......

So when my uncle was in the Middle East in the mid 80's (Army) he got shunted off to some miserable place that had seen a lot of bombing. He didn't have a watch, and only 1 person that spoke English in said area could tell him what time it was. He said it drove him crazy not knowing what time it was. One of the other infantry found this little native fella who would astound them by telling them the time (within minutes) by lifting his camels testicles. My uncle didn't believe it, but one day he went to the little native fella with the one person in the location that had a watch and spoke English and verified it for himself. At about 0900, he asked the native (by tapping his wrist) what time it was. The native lifted the camels testicles, shifted them a bit to the right, lower them, then hold up 9 fingers. Per the watch owning local who spoke English, he was accurate. A few hours later my uncle tapped his wrist again, and the native fella lifted the camels testicles, shifted them left, then right a bit, and indicated that is was 1330. My uncle called out to the watch guy, and watch guy confirmed that yes, it was right at 1330. He was convinced it was magic.

A few weeks later a Marine translator showed up that spoke the native man with the 'camel nuts watch' particular dialect. First thing my big, bad infantry uncle did was drag the translator over to ask the native how in the name of all he told time by lifting a camels nuts. The native looked at my uncle like he was insane, then stood up and pointed to the side of a bombed out building where a working clock still hung. He said, "no magic, only move testicles so I can see clock."

badum bing - zam!
Japan in the 80s
