Sources long past were where the group II you aked me to reference from is now gone because I have long since deleted but..
Isodewaxing is simply a trademark for the actual catalyst Chevron used or uses that reshapes wax molecules into high quality base oil rather than breaking the stock down into other byproducts like conventional dewaxing . Other catalyst are available I believe .
So, it does not make a group II into a II+ but makes lower feedstocks into group II's .
Here is Chevron's base stock table and they only have one group II+ and I guess if they want they could blend it into the group II's and the CAS# would not reveal it .If you were to peruse their site even Chevron refers to their basestock as group II for the most part when mentioning the ISO "abr" process .
Here is a site to click on many forms of processing that a good read for the most part and I'll look some more for the evidence the Supreme is group II so I'll not be putting my foot in my mouth
. At anyrate , there is not a whole lot of difference between the II and II+ it seems.
[ December 05, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Motorbike ]
Isodewaxing is simply a trademark for the actual catalyst Chevron used or uses that reshapes wax molecules into high quality base oil rather than breaking the stock down into other byproducts like conventional dewaxing . Other catalyst are available I believe .
So, it does not make a group II into a II+ but makes lower feedstocks into group II's .
Here is Chevron's base stock table and they only have one group II+ and I guess if they want they could blend it into the group II's and the CAS# would not reveal it .If you were to peruse their site even Chevron refers to their basestock as group II for the most part when mentioning the ISO "abr" process .
Here is a site to click on many forms of processing that a good read for the most part and I'll look some more for the evidence the Supreme is group II so I'll not be putting my foot in my mouth
[ December 05, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Motorbike ]