Originally posted by crashz:
Well - according to most people here, M1 can be mixed because the additive packages are the same through out the range of viscosities. So when I went to change my 10w-30 out, all that was availible at Wally World was 5w-30 and 0w-40. So I bought the 5 qrt jug of 5w-30 and 2 qrts of 0-40 to thicken it up on the hot side.
Probably the worst combo I've done so far. At first the oil was perfect, but it seemed to shear down in 1000 miles. Makes the truck vibrate worse than regular 5w-30 alone. From now on I stick to what works. I'm running an AutoRX treatment in it right now, which coincidentally, has thickened up the mix to reduce the vibrations, but I will be running M1 10w-30 after the rinse. No more mixing for me.