Investors....come in please!

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So much for my April dive prediction. I agree on the consolidation.....but there is only one good way to bring the market down. Jump back in with both feet.

I'm just staking out my future funds.
YeeeeHaaaaaa, ride the bull......

As long as the Dow Transports keep going up, so will the market. When the Transports start to stall, it'll be time to sell. This rally is fooling a lot of investors who aren't in. They see new highs being made, and have to jump in, and that fuels the rally further.....

YeeeeHaaaaaa, ride the bull......

As long as the Dow Transports keep going up, so will the market. When the Transports start to stall, it'll be time to sell. This rally is fooling a lot of investors who aren't in. They see new highs being made, and have to jump in, and that fuels the rally further.....

Yah.. I'm back in. Bought more NAT yesterday. Bought MO & DNDN today. But I've got stops, just in case.

My MIL still hasn't pulled the plug on DNDN - more than tripled her money so far.

I don't know where DNDN is going, but with over 3X growth, she can afford to let it run. I hope she has a reasonable stop on it.

I just dumped it. Big score! Over 2 bux. Not bad for a days work... I'm back up to 40% cash. Whoops,, just bought a little more MO.

Think I'll break for lunch.
A guy named Thompson was speaking on C Span about the economy. His perspective makes it sound easy to understand why the markets have been in rally mode.The global economy makes the pie bigger thus companys get richer especially where takeovers and mergers are concerned.That seems to be the only reason the markets are setting alltime records.
The peanut gallery is so silent. Did you guys reach critical mass and retire?

I sold a bit more today. Ever have the temptation to say: I made XX% by May this year, so rather than risk it, idle safe MM’s/etc the remainder? I mean I have hit my growth target…..and it’s not like the money won’t get interest……hmmm………….
My section of the peanut gallery is in total shock that this rally has gone on so long.

Could it be because of the weak dollar? Foreign money pouring in? I don't know, but I'm hanging in until I sense a break, and hoping I don't wait too long......
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