
I'm 30, and I don't have it. I only use Facebook for Marketplace to buy and sell stuff, and snapchat occasionally with my friends. I'll mainly use youtube for funny or educational videos. I have zero time to just browse through other people's pictures of what they are doing, and don't really care. I'd rather be out actually doing stuff than looking at pictures of other people doing stuff.
I use Facebook. I used to have Instagram but never got into it. Facebook I’m on maybe once a day but I’m tired of seeing the same stuff always on there but I do like seeing stuff on my mechanics groups that I am in.
this is EXTREMELY Dated... it's from 2011ish?
but, still illustrates my basic opinions of "social media" of which i have ZERO accounts.

social media venn diagram.gif

(no, I am in no way insinuating that I created said graphic.)

I'm 41. never had any of those kind of accounts. never saw the point.
had the opportunity to see/use facebook before it went open to everyone, back when it was just for College Students... nope. not for me..
heck, I've missed every one of my HS reunions b/c they organize everything on Facebook. I might find out the day or so before... oh well.