

Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa
Who uses it.

Just installed it yesterday. So far I like it. No advertisements.. My grandsons who are in the service use it. You can port people you want over from FB. Pretty much smartphone based. Definitely a winner for me.
Nope, although lately I've been tempted to get onto Facebook. I hear there are these things called "memes" which might be interesting to look at.
Im young in my twenties but I never got into the social media craze. I had zero social media besides email up until a few months ago. I decided to install Instagram and Snapchat because coworkers were using it. I don't use Instagram much but it's neat to easily post things to share with others. Snapchat I find fascinating because everything gets deleted. It really brings out the wild side of everyone including myself. Overall I can't say my life is any better with those 2 platforms. Sometimes it's nice to go about your day and not always get updated on what others are doing. You can start to feel jealous when you see your friends having fun but you are not.
I use it. Depending on the content you are interested in you might like @blackriflecoffee and the antics of one of their employees, @heatherlynnoh
I quit FB a few months ago. Miss parts of it but not others. I tried IG a few years but didn't understand the concept. Is it like FB but just pictures?
i like to stay clear of the social media loop. no facebook, no instagram.. i tried twitter for following news topics but that also was not my thing.
you're not alone, i am 33 and can't be bothered by the social media craze. tried them and ditched them like a bad habit.
I'm 25, I created an Instagram because Facebook already has my info anyways, I never use it, I use Facebook, but I admin a large SImpsons meme group, as horrible as Facebook is it's kind of the best platform we currently have for meme-ing groups.
I don't. I don't use any social media now that I think about it. They're all narcissistic. I spend too much time at the range or in the garages to have time for that.
Originally Posted by PowerSurge
I don't. I don't use any social media now that I think about it. They're all narcissistic. I spend too much time at the range or in the garages to have time for that.

I consider BITOG to be social media... I mean, I hang out here pretty often, and get quite a bit of info and opinion here.
forums is educational, ?

social media is stalking and giving up one's idenity and habits to the evils of the dark web lol.

different strokes for different folks.. whatver sets your boat a sail. just be safe, happy and don't knock one another.
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Originally Posted by Leo99
I quit FB a few months ago. Miss parts of it but not others. I tried IG a few years but didn't understand the concept. Is it like FB but just pictures?

Its essentially just like FB..but geared to iphones vs computers. But one you have an IG account you can install on your computer also. Essentially you take a pic and send it right to IG with a comment if desired.
It's owned by Facebook. I don't use it, only Facebook owned app i use is WhatsApp. That's good for making calls to people all over the world. Deleted my Facebook account years ago.

Too many of these apps know way too much about us..... And it's only getting worse IMO.
I use it to follow some family members and stuff from youtube channels I like. I've only had the app for a year or so, where FB I've had for probably 12yrs. All time I should be spending elsewhere of course.
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