Income a family of four need to live comfortably by state in the U.S.


$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
Interesting chart. Of course it is in a MACRO basis. I wonder how state income and state/ local sales tax figure into the equation
Seeing that average U.S. household income is about $75K, I'd say that chart is bs and created by some finance company to sell their products to people earning much less.
Yep. The fine print you can hardly read is 50% to necessities, 30% to discretionary and 20% to savings. National savings rate is between 1 and 3% depends on who's number you believe, and many people are resorting to putting even necessities on credit.
Another 30k per year certainly wouldn't hurt for us. Our AGI sits at 200k per year, with taxable income being 175k. I mean we could certainly live cheaper with fixer upper vehicles and very few luxuries. IMO for the latter that is no way to live.
A completely BS chart undoubtedly predicated upon undisciplined adults who live well beyond their means. My stay-at-home wife and I raised three kids on my military salary, which eventually peaked at about $110K (initially enlisted and retired as an O-4). Our kids were well taken care of, attended private schools, and we've always been debt-free.

With the kids now grown, we are retired in TX on my retirement pay. Living within means makes it all much easier.
With crazy inflation and stagnant wages, lots of folks are struggling.

I’m very comfortable but I live a middle class lifestyle….. not a poser trying to act like I got money.

You would be surprised just how many people (families) in nicer neighborhoods are in big trouble and living paycheck to paycheck.
People… it’s a relative chart. Don’t look at the absolute numbers. Look at the differences between them. It doesn’t even really matter what “comfortably” means - the delta between states represents a percentage difference no matter what your actual income is.

Moreover, inflation has happened. Some of y’all are living in 2004. Sheesh.
Massachusetts is bullsh t . I think or like to think we lived a good life with a average 130$ a year in the latter years and the dream is still alive both girls 29 and 27 IC nurses around 90$ both new cars 29 perchased a home almost 2 years ago the 27 year old closing on her first house in 2 weeks. Last with the average income in the US like 67 grand many of them are happy. Trust me 300k your rich in Massachusetts