There's two sides to the coin regarding how an oil holds up.
The oil is one, how the engine it is in abuses that oil is another. Perhaps it is time that these test specify and take into consideration how oil is abused in engines and include limits of what an oil should be exposed to.
Too small a sump, don't expect extremely long oil change intervals.
Too high of a temperature (such as but in no way limited to, abuse when passing through a turbocharger designed with not enough cooling).
Just food for thought.
If the oil designers are going to have to jump through smaller and higher hoops, maybe it's time to set real standards and limits of what the engine designers can throw at these oils.
Start with a minimum sump size vs produced HP.
And regarding sump size, maybe have an adjustment factor depending on other things, such as but not limited to, induction boost pressure, displacement vs HP, maximum temperature the oil will see, exc.......
Even the best oil is not magic liquid, so don't expect magic from it. Keep it real in what is expected vs the other side of that coin - what it exposed to / how it is abused when used.