I Think I Got Rid Of My Ant Problem

Sep 2, 2005
I've had an Carpenter Ant problem for a few years now and have tried several ant killer products with no luck until I read the comment section on a Ant Killer video on Youtube . Someone suggested using a Roach Killer with 0.01% Fipronil and I found the Combat brand at Home Depot with that active ingredient. So I mixed the Roach Killer with some pancake syrup and applied it to areas with Ant trails about two weeks ago and as of today there pretty much gone. This is the product I used >>>>>>>>
Screenshot 2022-09-03 at 13-50-56 Combat Max Roach Bait 2.1 oz - Ace Hardware.png
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Carpenter ants are very tough little critters to get rid of. I used Syngenta Advion Ant Bait Gel to get rid of the carpenter ants I had. This is a professional product that contains DuPont's Indoxacarb. It was the only thing I found that worked. One use and I haven't seen them since. This is also supposed to work well on other ant species.

I spray for earwigs(2-3x yearly) and once a year i take all the deck railing caps off and spray in there too..
it helps keep the big black ants down.

Bifen xts.
When we moved into this house there were carpenter ants around it regularly, and even a few inside. The previous owner had made a written declaration that there weren't any, so that's what their declaration is worth. We saw another house that had to have a wall completely rebuilt because of a carpenter ant infestation so they are a serious problem.

We hired an exterminator who laid down insecticides around the house and along their trails. Had a lot fewer carpenter ants after that. We had to do that again annually for one or two more years. Haven't seen a carpenter ant now in some time. And we have lots of bees around so I don't think we did any permanent harm to the environment.

Seems you have to cut off their pheromone trails and have those trails fade away through disuse.

We live in a woodland area so they're still out there but they don't have to come into our house.
I've had good luck with the small to medium brown ants using terro.
Yep, same method though, mix with a little syrup and they eat it.
And, the active ingredient is a liquid form of Borax as incognito mentioned.
Works on those almost impossible to see tony Florida ants too. Same method.
wpod : That is more of a preventative product to keep them out. But if they are already in the walls and getting into the house your trapping them in the house and they have no way out
Make sure any 'ant' killer you buy lists the specific ant you want to kill.
Nothing worse than spending your time and money, and not solving the problem.

Occasionally, I see carpenter ants outside.
I take a multi-pronged approach.
Perimeter around house and shed - apply ant killer six feet out
Along property border - apply a poison that ants take back to nest

Another thing to be aware of: The bottle of unused product may have a shelf life.
I would not use it if over five years old / three years would be better.
The older the product, I may make a stronger solution.
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