I HATE IT! Euthanizing my canine companion Dec 3

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He was a lucky boy to have you love him and give him such wonderful care. We do the best we can for them but the time always comes when we can no longer let them suffer through old age. He will be waiting for you and together you and Harley will cross over the Rainbow Bridge where there will be only wagging tails and bright eyes forever. Regards to you kind sir.
It's hard enough to have to do it suddenly. I think waiting for it is even worse. The only comfort I get from things like this is knowing the animal doesn't know the plan. They get tired and go to sleep just like any other nap time. They don't know they won't wake up and aren't saddened by the situation as we are.

We have a 15 year old DSH cat that will likely be in this situation soon. I loathe the day, but know it's coming.

God bless you and Harley.
After reading this I'm off to the couch for an afternoon snuggle nap with my new boy. We rescued him last year and he's turned out to be a wonderful soul.

Sorry to hear of your boy Harley. They become the best of pals don't they!? We put down our 14 year old lab two years ago... I was an emotional wreck, yet it's a compassionate display of love when they're in pain.
Sorry about Harley. It is the hardest thing we pet owners have to do. You sure had a well taken care of boy, I don't know of a Dane that has lived that long.
So sorry, I sympathize completely. Our last big dog, a 100-lb Shepherd, made it to about 13 years. The big guys just have more problems as they get older.

Our current 'little buddy' is a Cocker Spaniel and is about 11 years old. It'll be doubly hard when his time comes, because he is my daughter's first dog and has been with us since she was in 6th grade. She's a senior in college now, and he still sticks to her like glue when she comes home to visit. He's deaf as a post, but healthy otherwise... but its a shame to see how grey he is and how much he's slowed down over the past 5 years.
Sorry to hear about your hardship. I know the feeling. Our beloved Standard Schnauzer of 12+ years has terminal colon cancer and is still doing well, but we are dreading the day we know is coming soon...
I'm sorry for your loss.

I have a 15 year old beagle mix that is 15 and is is going blind, having hip issues, and also has an enlarged heart. I know my time with him is limited...

I feel your grief and pray you can remember the wonderful times and the spirit of his gentle soul.
So sorry about your dog! I feel for you.
We had a wire haired terrier when I was a boy and that poor girl got awfully sick...she got big lumps on her belly and she would just crawl into dark corners and whimper. For whatever reason (probably money), my parents just let her suffer until she died on her own. I don't even know what happened to her, just got home and my dad said she "finally died" and was gone.
It's a horrible childhood memory for me, remembering that poor dog's suffering. Your dog is lucky in that you will be doing the right thing.
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So sorry SLO Town. I recently put my 13 year old Black Lab to rest. Hardest thing to do. Her back legs just would not work anymore. The wife and I stayed with her until the end. I owed that to her. Very peaceful.

Very sorry to hear. We too just euthanized our 12 year old lab after three cancer surgeries over two years. She just couldn't physically take the surgery again. Very sad and very hard, but time will heal and you know they are no longer in pain.
Sorry to hear that-been through it far too many times. But doing the right thing often means doing the hardest thing. Take solace in the time you had with Harley, you also did a stand up job caring for him.

Two more pictures that illustrate the passage of time. Imagine all the good times we enjoyed between these "book end" photos.


A teenage Harley sitting on Mom's lap.

Harley getting a hug from Mom on a pretty Dec 2nd afternoon. Can't you just see the love?
Scott - sorry to see this. I was wondering why the decision was made ... does Harley have a bad medical condition? I've had to have a few pets euthanized due to medical issues and it's still not easy, even if you know it's the best option. The memories of the good times with pets never vanishes.
Had to put my "Harley" to sleep 2yrs ago. Boxer Shepherd mix, she was a sweety. Take his favorite blanket, toy etc. Ask the vet to put him to sleep as in good night sleeping. Hug Him tight, give lots and lots of kisses and then have the vet gently send the big guy to heaven.
As said before, so sorry for your loss.
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