I found the solution to our enegy problem...

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Would need dullies at least...
Originally Posted By: Tosh
"Having a PICC is expected to greatly increase the value of your car. So much so, that the car itself could be the collateral for a loan to buy the PICC. All you may need is the title and no matter what your credit is like, you will be accepted for that loan."

Wow, just wow! I want stock in this company!

Thanks for posting that. Indeed that statement is totally hilarious and ironic. This seems to be the kind of circular logic people live by!!
OK, I didn't realize this guy, Dennis Lee, is a known shyster - having peddled all types of goofy "projects." He has a checkered past:

Lee’s Criminal Past

Dennis Lee was arrested 8 times between 1974 and 1979 in NJ on fraud, forgery, and drug related charges.

In 1975 Lee plead guilty in Bergen County NJ to 5 counts of passing bad checks and to taking money under false pretenses. He was given a 1 year suspended sentence and 3 years probation.

In 1978 Lee convinced Pat Robertson to give him $150,000. Two months later Robertson accused Lee of false advertising, operating a pyramid sales scheme, and unauthorized sales of securities. Robertson never got his money back.

He was arrested in NY in 1982 for passing bad checks.

And I did watch the whole video - replete with its ridiculous claims. Injecting plasma into the engine? Eh. Here it is if anyone wants to share in the punishment .. they pour sugar, aqua velva, and other oddities in a tank and "run" an engine. I didn't understand what that proved, but it was the first of many red flags that I was now entering Fraudsville.

Originally Posted By: Pablo
I can't even believe he says that stuff about water (towards the end).........

Heck ...with my Cold Mr. Fusion ...a glass of water can power a small city for a week or two.
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