I found the solution to our enegy problem...

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Originally Posted By: BarkerMan

Aren't you glad that I found this for you. Now our worries are over.

That was a good one. I kept waiting for the punch line but got to the bottom of the page and no punch line.
Customer testimonial on that page: “Wow, you guys have overcome the governor on fuel consumption with your electronics. Brilliant!”.

Which governor did they overcome? The one from Illinois?
We should start a BITOG form budget for trying stuff out with official tests and all that stuff. Do you think we have enough members to do a few tests? I'll bet that with enough members we could do a couple of tests and keep it to twenty bucks a member. We have a handle on resources needed and I'll bet there are members with skills that could also contribute. I'll bet that once we had a few tests under our belts that we could attract more interested parties and spread the expense over a large number of members. What do you think?

I have a few candidates.

This current topic
coolant additive Kool-it
several Auto-Rx ideas

The whole line of Lube Guard products. I can get free samples from a friend that runs the test and development part of the company. The original oil supplements were designed by Landis after he left Mobil. He was the architect of Mobil 1. He said he would be willing to comment on test results for this forum.

BioSyn, Bill Garmier would be willing to comment on test results and this might be a way to get Terry Dyson to comment as well. You remember Terry don't you?

We could also setup tests with Schaeffer's 132 and I know we could get their head formulator to comment. He has answered questions for me and is a very knowledgeable person.

We might be able to try some Amsoil products.

There should be plenty of creditable testers that in the spirit would volunteer time, effort and a vehicle and keep records.

I think if we push the educational theme and stay clear of the infomercial we could pull off a few tests and see if it's worth the trouble and expense and most important see if members would rather try this approach instead of the "[insert product] is the best in the world because [insert an unsubstantiated assertion] followed by irrational rant.”

I think that new members could be recruited to share the expense. I know that my granddaughter does this to sell Girl Scout cookies. In fact if you come to my house in the next six months you will leave with a box of cookies.

What do you think?
What do you think?

Home grown testing leaves much to be desired. It's got its + and - factor in worth. There's always a practical "fudge factor" that leaves a loop hole somewhere. Besides, if the vendor/producer is involved, it will be a mixed bag too. For "devices" you'll get rhetorical objections that the tester didn't do it correctly when they fail to produce the claimed results. With additives, you've got a variable condition that you're allegedly correcting. That is, you're always in some variation of YMMV

On this device: I, naturally, think that it's bogus. Even IF it did anything, it would probably not pass the cost:benefit test in either real time gain ..or some test of longevity.

btw- I'm surely aware of laws that prevent you from tinkering with your catalytic converter. Unless that thing is CARB certified, it can't be sold in CA and I imagine that some EPA gauntlet must be passed to allow its installation. Now if it's already an approved cat that gets a mod to it, that's considered innocuous to the normal catalytic process, then they may get a break.
Originally Posted By: XS650
Now, fess up Oldmopar guy, you just liked PICC because the 318 MOPAR van was going up a 30 degree hill at 50 mph at 1/2 throttle at 3000 rpm.

They claimed 65 mph. If you are going to go to the trouble of reaching for the moon, might as well go for the sun.
I know that this kind of testing is not lab quality but for some produts (exclude this one) we have some responsible people and if we can raise money for say for lab work we might be able to have a thread with some value. I was thinking of some Auto-Rx cycles with before and after lab work and paying a mechanic to do compression testing. With enough people we might be able to fund a couple of these. It would move the testing to just a little bit better level than, "once upon a time...".
There was a german castrol reverse engineering money pool a few years ago...
Originally Posted By: wantin150
I'm going to get a quote!

With that media production alone, I'm betting $2000-$3000+ Something you would have to install on a new vehicle to break even over 10 years of use.
Got a response already!

"You have completed the form to get started on the two-step process. We require no money at this time. Thank you for your request for a quote. One of our customer service representatives has been given your request and should reply to you, by return email within a couple of days at most. If you require a phone call, or more personal attention, you can let our representative know that then. This is a two-step process... The first step is to get the Hydro-Assist Fuel Cell (HAFC) kit, which is available right now and is universal (it will fit any personal gasoline fueled vehicle... if you own a diesel fueled vehicle skip to the second step.) The kit can be installed by you or your own mechanic (with the instructions that come in the kit). If you prefer, the kit could also be installed by our trained, and certified, mechanic in your area. The first step is guaranteed to increase the fuel economy of your vehicle by a minimum of 50% as shown on our scientific test in which we can control all the variables to absolutely PROVE the performance before and after your modification. Your price for the initial kit and ordering instructions will be provided in the return email. In the unlikely event the kits does not produce the minimal guaranteed performance, then you will be allowed ample time to remove and return the kit to the supplier for a full refund of the cost of the kit. We are sure that to geta 50% increase guaranteed and an expected mileage increase of double (based upon our experiences so far) the kit will be well worth the cost and effort even without the Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter (PICC). Where else can you get that possibility today, especially at no risk? (That is, thanks to our 50% performance guarantee.) The HAFC first step will also give you relief from high fuel prices while you are waiting to take the second step. The second step in the process is for us to get you a quote on a customized PICC. It is an upgrade from the HAFC kit. Our research indicates that in conjunction with the HAFC kit, the PICC will be even more effective. It will also save money on hardware for the PICC installation. If you have a diesel vehicle, then the HAFC kit is not for your car, but you can still install the PICC even on diesel powered vehicles. Those with diesel must skip the first step and just wait for the PICC quote. The PICC is being developed for a wide range of vehicles and, when it is ready for your make and model, you will be given a quote. The PICC MUST be installed by one of our certified mechanics and, when we are ready, we will not only give you a quote for the hardware, but also inform you as to where you can get it installed, locally. This may take several months. Please be patient. We expect the PICC to revolutionize the industry. We are building our trained mechanic infrastructure with the HAFC kit initially. We are also working on a very unique financing program for the PICC upgrade. Having a PICC is expected to greatly increase the value of your car. So much so, that the car itself could be the collateral for a loan to buy the PICC. All you may need is the title and no matter what your credit is like, you will be accepted for that loan. If your car is still being financed, this funder would just refinance it with the PICC on it. The payments should be less than half the amount of the monthly savings. So, a customer service representative has been assigned to you who will respond to your quote request. We recommend watching the HAFC video as well as the PICC video and reviewing the web site more fully before you are contacted so you will understand what we are offering you free any of risk. You can use the email address and password you provided us to log into the customer's area of the web site, http://www.preignitioncc.com/cust. We have added features, which will allow you to update the PICC quote information with revised contact information, add a vehicle to the quote request, or change information on existing vehicles. We may use this area for further information on our PICC research progress. You should receive a confirmation and quote email shortly. If you do not receive the confirmation email, it means one of two things: 1) You did not give us a valid email address. 2) Either your ISP or your email program is blocking our emails. Of course, you can contact us again through the email address and password you provided us to log into the customer?s area of the web site and let us know that there has been no response. Please allow a few days to pass first because we are as busy as you might imagine anyone with what we have to offer such a huge market of consumers would be. Sincerely,PICC/HAFC Customer Service P.S. Please do not respond to this email address because we do not monitor it for incoming email. If you need to contact someone, please contact your customer service rep and/or dealer. -------------------------------------------------------Customer Information-------------------------------------------------------Name: Jack WaddCompany Name: Home phone: 864-359-3201Work phone: Other phone: Email Address: Physical Street: 123 OAK DRPhysical Apartment/Suite: Physical City/State/Zip/Country: IVA SC 29655 USAMail Street: Mail Apartment/Suite: Mail City/State/Zip/Country: -------------------------------------------------------Vehicle Information-------------------------------------------------------Vehicle: 1Make: ToyotaModel: CorollaYear: 1993No. Cylinders: 4Injection type: Fuel InjectionFuel type: Unleaded RegularCurrent City Mileage: 26Current Highway Mileage: 32Comments: -------------------------------------------------------Dealer who will handle your order-------------------------------------------------------Company Name: Clyde Reeves , Sr Ucsa DealerName: Clyde Reeves SrStreet: 3183 Hughes RdCity/State/Zip/Country: Everson, WA 98247 USAEmail address: [email protected]"

Edited to remove e-mail and a password. Nothing contained in the e-mail is factual in regards to my info, other than the state of residence. Still doesn't tell me squat about a cost.
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Originally Posted By: wantin150
Got a response already!

"Your quote is complete."

That's it. No message attached.

Well, that settles it. It must be way too much to just tell you. You need to get a sales pitch along with it.
"Having a PICC is expected to greatly increase the value of your car. So much so, that the car itself could be the collateral for a loan to buy the PICC. All you may need is the title and no matter what your credit is like, you will be accepted for that loan."

Wow, just wow! I want stock in this company!
Originally Posted By: benjamming
Originally Posted By: XS650
Now, fess up Oldmopar guy, you just liked PICC because the 318 MOPAR van was going up a 30 degree hill at 50 mph at 1/2 throttle at 3000 rpm.

They claimed 65 mph. If you are going to go to the trouble of reaching for the moon, might as well go for the sun.

You can only go to the sun at night or you will burn up.

If their MOPAR van weighed 4000 lb, it would take 347 hp at the rear wheels to climb a 30 degree grade at 65 mph. Not bad for 1/2 throttle at 3000 rpm. Then there is the little problem that there isn't enough traction with good tires on dry pavement to move it up a 30 degree grade at all.
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