I can't afford mobil 1 anymore,help

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Originally Posted By: volk06
Originally Posted By: boosted
Did not know, still Valvoline though?

Yes it is blended by Ashland. With the weaker add pack, I wouldnt say it is better than M1 but will easily handle the OP OCI. I'm no mobil 1 fan but its a solid oil.
with m1 you are paying for the name, look at how many racing organizations they sponsor, its a decent oil yeah but the Napa syn. Isn't far off from synpower, and @ 3.49 a qt. It can't be beat, he is talking about saving money so that's the way to go for him.
Originally Posted By: sHERM
Originally Posted By: boosted
If I were you I would do as mentioned above, go to Napa and get Napa full synthetic, it's actually Valvoline synpower full synthetic just in a different bottle, both made by Ashland and you will see it on the back of bottle, if you want to run it 5k use a mid level filter like a wix or Napa gold since you will be at Napa anyway, I'm not a fan of m1 but many on here like it, I think the Napa synthetic is just as good if not better just don't run it past 6k as the tbn usually isn't as good as m1.

+1 on this, The NAPA Syn. is on sale this moth for $3.49. Cheaper than the Val White and made by Valovoline. Buy 5 Qts on sale and get $5.00 off the NAPA
Platinum filter. College affordable !!

Listen to this Guy!
noob -
I think you actually SHOULD go to a dino , instead of an expensive synth.
Go get what's on sale at Walmart.
BTW - gas is already way over $4.
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Originally Posted By: skellyman
How about mixing Mobil 1 & Mobil Super , make your own Syn-blend ?

You could but they have completely different additive packages and chemistry. I think I'll let the oil manufacturer do the blending. Buy individual quarts would be more expensive than just buying 1 5qt jug.
Get some FAR Nextgen from AZ or AAP.
Change the oil every six months with whatever is FAR at the time.
You really don't need to use M1 with the miles you're driving and the engine you have.
Also, a little full throttle doesn't really tax the oil, especially with a very average performance engine, which is what you have.
If you tracked the car, it might matter.
You don't, so it doesn't.
yeap. I don't want to pay over $18 for the 5qt oil..

I think I will stick with Mobil Super 5000 from walmart ( $13.97 ). or autozone currently have shell dino for $12.99..
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